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2017 Government Work Report

2017-03-16 Source: Houma City Government Office

- 16th session in Houma, March 13, 2017

The second session of the People's Congress

Mayor of the municipal people's Government  Duan Huigang

Fellow Deputies,

Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to present my work report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and approval。

一、2016 work review

Past year,Under the strong leadership of the municipal committee,Under the supervision and support of the municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC,The municipal government shall unite and lead the cadres and the masses of the whole city,深入贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中、五中、六中全会和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,In accordance with the overall deployment and requirements of the province and Linfen City,Close aroundThe "five big Xing City" strategy and the "four Houma" construction of the idea of the goal, the heart to gather strength, hard work, relay forward, to achieve the "thirteen five" a good start。The city's gross regional product is completed94.7100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase5.8%;General public budget revenue completed4.09100 million yuan, down from a year ago12.2%;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was completed12.4100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase3.9%;Investment in fixed assets completed95.9Billions of dollars, growth15.7%;Total retail sales of consumer goods were completed81.49100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase6.5%;The per capita disposable income of urban residents was completed25725Yuan, year-on-year growth5%;The per capita disposable income of rural residents was completed13177Yuan, year-on-year growth5.1%。Economic indicators, except general public budget revenueIn addition to the decline in the impact of factors such as "replacing business tax with value-added tax", all showed a trend of stability and progress, especially in some key projects, important work and major reform and innovation, and made positive progress and breakthroughs。

——Strengthen the starting point of the project, and continue to strengthen the development momentumTotal investment in process343Billions of89Among the key projects, Shuanghui Glass, Dongxin Casting, Zhongjin Machinery, etc18New and expansion projects completed and put into operation, Yi Zhifu elderly medical care Center, Tang Rong bimetal composite brake drum, sports and sports center complex venue28The project started in full swing, and the total investment was completed throughout the year3More than one billion yuan。Through active efforts, integrated management of ecological restoration of Huihe River and tourism development of Purple Mountain14The key projects related to the future development of Houma have been steadily advanced, and the preliminary work of the comprehensive recovery of copper concentrate in the Beitong copper industry and the Dongcheng Road Network and other projects have been steadily carried out, laying a solid foundation for the construction of this year。

——To promote industrial agglomeration, the city's economic characteristics are distinctive。The industrial economy is stable and improving。Actively guide enterprises to adapt to the supply-side structural reform, accelerate the pace of technological transformation and innovation of enterprises, Tang Rong, Dongxin and other enterprise marketProgressive enlargement。Hailong drilling tools, Yu Tong concrete realization"Small rise", Jinfeng Machinery was identified as a provincial technology center, industrial emerging industry investment proportion reached84.4%。Financial support for the development of enterprises was intensified, and new credit funds were provided throughout the year16.48亿元。Rapid agglomeration of commerce and economy。Seize the opportunity of processing trade industry gradient transfer, Dream beauty clothing, letv· Le Life and other projects settled in Houma。Foreign cargo terminal completed7The construction of the main project of the exhibition hall, the completion of part of the warehouse of the Dayun Highway hub logistics Park project, and YTO Express settled in the Zhentong Business Industrial Park and put into trial operation。E-commerce continued to lead the province, and local e-commerce enterprises such as immediate purchase and Wo wheat products expanded rapidly in the cityThe total number of "Village Tao" service stations reached50个,During the "Double Eleven" period, the coverage rate, turnover and sales volume of "Village Tao" ranked first in the province。The agricultural economy developed steadily。Total grain production9.27Ten thousand tons, determine the basic farmland protection area8.5万亩。Newly recognized family farm22New farmers' cooperatives31Individual, agricultural industrialization leading enterprises to achieve sales revenue5.33RMB 100 million, the level of large-scale and intensive agricultural management continues to improve。总投资8016The key county project of small farmers' water worth 10,000 yuan has been fully completed, the agricultural infrastructure conditions have been further improved, and the development momentum has been continuously strengthened。

——Accelerate the construction of urban and rural areas, and constantly improve the quality of the city。Full coverage of the control detailed planning of the main urban area。New hospital east of the new road and Fengcheng-South Yang, down flat-东高-The Xigao Reconstruction road was completed and opened to traffic。New rain and sewage pipe network13.8Kilometers, to transform the rain and pollution diversion pipe network6.5Km, laying gas supply network30Km, heating network12Km, new natural gas users1800Household and heating area10Ten thousand square meters。The construction of beautiful villages has been accelerated, and the level of rural infrastructure and public services has been effectively improved. A number of rural areas, including Xipingwang Village and Zhangshao Village, have successfully established beautiful livable demonstration villages in the provincial and Linfen cities, and Single Jiaying village has taken the lead in realizing central heating。

——Promote the improvement of the environment and the continuous improvement of ecological quality。加快"One mountain and one river" development, Zijinshan development to complete the overall investigation and investigation, the Huihe river management development to complete the planning。The level of urban and rural greening continued to improve, and more urban green areas were added20.110,000 square meters, farmland forest network construction1万亩。Get rid of yellow label cars and old cars640Car, new purchase137Taiwan pure electric bus。We actively responded to severe weather such as smog, and carried out eight special campaigns to improve the air environment.PM2.5PM10The concentration decreased respectively year-on-year14.7%4.5%The number of days with air quality above grade 2 in the whole year263Days, where the number of first class days86天。

——Promote the rise of culture,Cultural tourism is developing rapidly。Successfully hosted the first Houma, Quwo, Yicheng three counties (cities) Jin cultural collaborative development inter-county joint meeting, compiled and completed the "Houma Jin Ancient City National Archaeological Site Park planning," the first draft of the year to send drama, film to the countryside1284场。With the integration of culture, agriculture and tourism as a new form of business, we quickly started."Fragrant grass", "Hongman", "Provence" and other modern agricultural demonstration parks have been opened。Complete tourism revenue throughout the year29.09100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase21%Added value of cultural industry1.59$100 million, increase12.1%

——We have deepened reform and innovation, and our policy advantages have become more prominentCompletion of preparationThe 13th Five-Year Plan Outlines a five-year plan for implementing comprehensive reform。The city has been identified as the national healthy city pilot, the third batch of new urbanization comprehensive pilot, the service industry comprehensive reform pilot, migrant workers and other personnel to return home to start a business pilot, the standardization of government services pilot, the province's "multiple regulations into one" pilot, the firstPilot projects for unified registration of real estate and the first batchSmall, medium and micro enterprises entrepreneurship and innovation base demonstration county。Administrative law enforcement inspection"Double random, one open" was fully implemented, and the new rural cooperative medical care system completed the overall handover。

——We improved people's livelihood and made all-round progress in social programsGathering strength, precise help, poverty alleviation work solid progress, the city207户、573People have achieved poverty alleviation and exceeded the annual target tasks issued by Linfen City。Balanced development of education, college entrance examination two bunda line853Man, reach rate breakthrough50%。Reform of the medical and health care system was deepened, and graded diagnosis and treatment was launched on all sides。We actively implemented preferential policies for employment and entrepreneurship and created new jobs throughout the year6120人。New day care centres for the elderly in rural areas18Number, shantytown reconstruction accumulated建成514Renovation of dilapidated rural houses321户。Pull out all the stops to raise money7186Ten thousand yuan, to ensure the implementation of various policy capital increases。The production safety situation is stable and good, and the number of accidents and deaths are strictly controlled within the target range issued by Linfen City。We will effectively resolve petition cases, crack down on all types of crimes, and ensure overall social security and stability。New achievements were made in auditing, statistics, civil air defense, industrial and commercial quality supervision, ethnic and religious affairs, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, meteorology, municipal records, archives, consumer prices, aging, disabled persons' federations, and reserve service。

In the past year, the government's self-construction has been continuously strengthened。We exercised administration in accordance with the law, and strictly implemented a system of legal review of major government decisions and regulatory documents.We consciously accepted the legal and work oversight of the People's congresses and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and earnestly handled deputies' suggestions90 cases were submitted and 80 proposals were submitted by members, and the level of democratization and scientific decision-making of the government was further improved。We will carry out in-depth learning and education under the principle of "two studies and one action", and strictly implement the responsibility of fully and strictly governing the Party.We will resolutely punish and effectively prevent corruption and take concrete steps to prevent it四风Problem rebound。Earnestly implementThe "13710" work system established the semi-monthly work meeting system of the municipal government, and the administrative efficiency was further improved。

Fellow deputies, our achievements over the past year have not come easily。These achievements are the result of the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, the effective supervision and strong support of the municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC, the result of the diligent work of the majority of cadres day and night, and the result of the innovation and unity of the people of the city。Here, on behalf of the municipal government, I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to the people of the city, to the deputies of the People's Congress and the members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, to the democratic parties, the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and people's organizations, to the Garrison troops, armed police officers and soldiers, and to all the old leaders, veteran cadres and friends from all walks of life who care about and support the construction and development of Houma!

Fellow Deputies,While affirming the achievement,We also soberly see,There are still many weak links and short boards in the economic and social development of our city,For example, fiscal revenue is weak and the total amount is small,Rigid expenditure is constantly increasing,The contradiction between revenue and expenditure is very serious;The project construction progress is slow and the push is not big enough;Industrial economy operates at a low level,The foundation for stabilizing and improving is not yet solid;Increasing pressure on environmental protection,There are problems in our work such as lack of responsibility, lack of coordination, and lack of accountability.The ideology of cadres is incompatible with development,Lack of sense of responsibility,Insufficient execution,等等。These shortcomings and problems cannot be ignored. We must act with a high sense of responsibility to the Party and the people, not evade or slack off, take more active and effective measures to address them, roll up our sleeves and work harder, and bring economic and social development to new heights。

二、Target tasks and priorities for 2017

This year is the year of the successful convening of the 19th National Congress of the Party, and it is fully implementedThe "13th Five-Year Plan" is a key year for the decisive victory in an all-round well-off society, and it is also a breakthrough year and a difficult year for our city to deeply implement the "Five major thriving cities" strategy and achieve the goal of comprehensively taking the lead in poverty alleviation。

Government work in general要求是:深入贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,统筹落实The "five-in-one" overall layout and the "four-pronged" strategic layout,In accordance with the decision of the province and Linfen city,Closely follow the spirit of the 11th city Party Congress,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,We will continue to focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development,Highlight key points, focus on the strength of the point, to create new highlights,We will strengthen innovation, hard work and responsibility,Comprehensively create a new situation of the "five major thriving cities" strategy and the construction of "four Houma",Welcome the successful convening of the 19th National Congress of the Party with excellent results。

According to the above requirements, the city's economic and social development this yearKey expected indicatorGross regional product growth5.5%;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased4%;Total retail sales of consumer goods increased8.8%;The general public budget revenue should strive to achieve growth under the condition that the province and Linfen City propose to maintain the same level as the previous year;Per capita disposable income of urban residents increased6%Per capita disposable income of rural residents increased6.5%。The fixed assets investment completed the target and task determined by Linfen City。Binding targets such as energy conservation and emission reduction to ensure the full completion of the annual tasks issued by Linfen City。

Fellow deputies, only by working hard can we overcome difficulties, and only by working hard can our dreams come true。In order to achieve the set goal, we must carry forward"Success doesn't have to be in me" spirit,We will vigorously promote the good fashion of solid work, hard work, and scientific and skillful work,Take comprehensive reform as the main line,The activities of "Project acceleration year", "three base raising Year" and "assessment raising Year" are the starting point,We will thoroughly implement the strategy of "five major cities",We will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of economic development,Promote sustained and sound economic and social development。

This year, the focus is on precise efforts and breakthroughs in the implementation of the seven tasks。

1. Boosting vitality, highlighting efforts to tackle critical issues in comprehensive reform, and stimulating new growth drivers for development

Reform is the only way to development, and innovation is the source of development。We must solve the problems in development with reform measures and innovative thinking, and explore boldly and try first around some key areas related to the overall development of our city。

We will make breakthroughs in pilot reforms。We will make full use of the third batch of national comprehensive trials for new urbanization, trials for comprehensive reform of the service sector, and trials for migrant workers returning to their hometowns to start businessesThe policy advantages of the "multi-plan integration" pilot, "double innovation" demonstration base and other golden signs, strive for more superior policies, land, and financial support, and constantly enhance the vitality of economic development。To implement "Go out, please come in",Actively docking with the National Development and Reform Commission and other higher departments,Understand and master relevant policies,Learn from advanced experience through learning,Hire experts to visit Hou guidance, pulse inquiry,Formulate scientific and feasible work programs and action plans,Pilot reforms will be carried out in a step-by-step, phased, focused and anticipated manner。

We will reform the investment and financing systems。Further emancipate the mind, study financial innovation policies, broaden financing channels, and solve financing problems。We will expand the areas of private investment。Relax market access, improve the service system, and create a level playing field for the development of private economy;We will ensure that enterprises have the right to make investments, and implement the negative list, power list, and responsibility list system for the management of enterprise investment projects。We will strengthen investment and financing。Seize the financing policy window period, and give full play to the role of investment and financing platforms。We will strengthen government, bank and enterprise docking cooperation, and promote the implementation and delivery of the signed bank-enterprise docking agreement projectsWe will promote the reform and listing of enterprises on the New Third Board。We will give full play to the guiding role of government funds。Actively yet prudently advancePPP, bond, credit and other models leverage private investment and form a diversified investment pattern。We will continue to give full play to the role of bridge funds and standardize the establishment of equity investment and equity investment funds。We will improve the investment structure, give priority to industrial investment, major infrastructure investment, and investment in people's livelihood, and make investment more effective。Actively solicit support from superiors。Seriously study the direction and focus of superior policy support, truly find the entry point for docking with national policies, take the initiative to attack, take many measures at the same time, and strive to obtain the maximum support of superior departments。Put existing assets to good use。We will carry out efforts to clean up land transfer fees, urban equipment fees, tax arrears, and various debts, and vigorously recover government funds。We will strictly and strictly manage budgetary revenues and expenditures。Due to the increase in rigid expenditures, the pressure of the gap in the government budget has never been greater, and we must strengthen the thinking of tightening our lives。At the same time, we must strengthen the collection and management of income, broaden the channels for increasing income, and do everything possible to achieve it"Ensure operation, ensure people's livelihood, ensure key points, and ensure wages"。

We will advance reform in all areas in a coordinated manner。We will continue to deepen comprehensive transformation and reform, and focus on formulating and implementing it well2017Comprehensive Reform Action Plan。Timely undertake the adjustment and decentralization of administrative examination and approval items of The State Council, the province and Linfen City, cancel the examination and approval items explicitly cancelled by the superior, and further promote the work of streamlining administration, delegating power, combining decentralization and optimizing services。We will continue to advance the reform of the registration system, relax market access, and deepen the reform of the business system。Implement the "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Approval and Supervision Platform for Investment Projects in Shanxi Province", and realize online acceptance, handling and supervision through the online platform"One-stop" service, simplify approval procedures, optimize the development environment。We will actively promote the reform of the old-age insurance system in government offices and public institutions, and do a good job in integrating urban and rural medical insurance。We will deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and accelerate the separation and transfer of the "three supply and one business" of state-owned enterprises。

We will innovate mechanisms for attracting investment。Improve the way of attracting investment with systematic and directional concepts, and constantly improve the pertinence and effectiveness of attracting investment。Centering on the characteristics of the industrial structure and the basis of business and trade processing in our city, we will promote precise investment and industry in order to undertake the transfer of processing trade industry"Overall" transplant investment, Internet+Attract investment, attract a number of strategic emerging industry projects, a number of good growth and high economic correlation with Houma projects。In-depth promotion"Leading fellow townsmen, returning to hometown, building hometown" activities, do a good job of nostalgia招商。Measures to attract talent and wisdom will be introduced to attract talents to promote capital, industry and wisdom, and form a new pattern of diversified investment and investment。Make it happen"Excellent business, friendly business, pro-business, safe business, support business", to ensure that customers and projects come, stay, can develop。

Fellow deputies, weHoumaThe fine tradition of forging ahead and the spirit of The Times of reform and innovation。This year, we will work with greater courage and courage to give full play to the role of the many pilot reforms, make full use of the advantages of various policies, and unleash more reformsThe "dividend" means continuously enhancing new driving forces and new vitality for economic and social development

Grasp the development, highlight the industry upgrading efforts, build the industry“三地”

Industrial agglomeration is an effective way and inevitable choice to promote economic and social development, and project construction is the main driving force and important support to promote industrial agglomeration。We build industry"Three places", we must focus on project construction。This year, we determined the implementation of key projects, involving agriculture, industry, trade logistics, cultural tourism, ecological environmental protection, infrastructure, housing improvement and other fields, after the start of implementation, the city's industrial "three places" to build the process will be further accelerated。

We will promote the development of new industrial clusters。The number one industrial project that we should focus on is total investment4.8Tangrong bimetal composite brake drum project of 100 million yuan, the implementation of the second phase of the project this year, new6A production line,6Put into production at the end of the month, the annual production scale reached2.4 million brake drums, is expected to increase the annual output value of 800 million yuan, tax 20 million yuan。Dongxin machinery technology renovation project to build two intelligent production lines, the construction is completed within the year, after putting into operation is expected to increase the output value 1.500 million yuan, tax revenue 13 million yuan。Total investment58.8One hundred million yuan of northern copper copper industry treatment150The comprehensive recovery project of 10,000 tons of copper concentrate, under the unfavorable situation of the current project environmental assessment limited approval, actively do a good job in the preliminary preparation of land acquisition, power supply, railway and other can accelerate the promotion, and strive to start construction immediately after the EIA approval。Total investment5The Zijinshan wind power project of 100 million yuan will accelerate the completion of the preliminary work such as application and approval。Support Wanglong Group to build a production base integrating centralized cultivation, research and development, bacteriological production and pharmaceutical production, and actively promote the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry。We will continue to implement policies to reduce burdens and promote stability, help enterprises solve financial problems and other problems, and promote stable growth of industrial enterprises。Strengthen the monitoring, analysis and comprehensive coordination of industrial operations, adhere to the system of quarterly analysis of economic operations, grasp the progress of various indicators in a timely manner, and ensure the steady progress of target tasks in order。We will guide enterprises to adapt to the requirements of supply-side structural reform, improve management, reduce costs, explore markets, tap potential and increase efficiency, and constantly form new growth points of output value。

We will promote the agglomeration and development of the commercial logistics industry。By speeding upThe construction of "five parks and one center" promotes the rapid agglomeration and development of the commercial logistics industry。Total investment 2.300 million yuan, covers an area of 100 acres of Zhenelectric-power business Industrial park project, integration of express enterprises to the park, complete the construction of e-commerce office service area, agricultural and sideline products exhibition platform, Yuantong, Zhongtong transfer center put into use。Total investment8One hundred million yuan of strategy land port group overseas purchase- Foreign cargo terminal project, completed remaining6The construction of the exhibition hall to ensure that the operation of the year。Total investment4.8The 100 million yuan Dayun Highway hub logistics Park project6The first phase of the project will be completed and put into operation before the end of this month。Commercial complex project, this year to complete the land auction, determine the main body of investment, strive to start construction。Business logistics integrated park project, do site selection, planning and other preliminary work。Accelerate the development of e-commerce, fully tap the potential of local brand e-commerce platforms such as instant purchase and Wo Mai products, and promote the upward movement of characteristic agricultural products"The Internet+Industrial landing, cultivating new engines of economic development and new competitive advantages。Completed the construction of the "Houma of Light Speed" project,Urban areas and rural areas have achieved broadband access100M50M。Support and cooperate with Fang Strategy Bonded Logistics Center to make comprehensive insurance zone declaration, and strive to obtain approval for establishment by the end of the year。Accelerate the upgrading of traditional business markets, improve the settlement rate of Golden Diamond International Plaza and emerging textile city, and promote the popularity and vitality of railway station business district and light industry city business district。We will accelerate the transformation of the financial, insurance, health care, domestic and other service industries into distinctive brandsChemical development。

We will promote the development of agricultural clusters with distinctive characteristics。Agriculture is a basic industry, and we must always pay attention to itIn the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", we will fully implement all policies that benefit farmers。We will accelerate the pace of agricultural industrialization and focus on implementing four agricultural projects。Total investment1.2A hundred million yuan of Zhang Shao"Fragrant grass" thousand mu modern agricultural park, accelerate the construction of greenhouse, seedling room, Swan Lake food street and other supporting facilities;Dananzhuang "Hongman" modern agriculture demonstration Park, expand the industrial scale, accelerate the construction of infrastructure, the construction of 8,000 square meters of seedling greenhouses, the construction of four sightseeing picking greenhouses;Total investment 1.The 200 million yuan Provence Huahai Agricultural Park should give full play to the role of leisure agriculture and rural tourism demonstration point in Shanxi Province, and speed up the construction of modern agricultural sightseeing park;Green Garden Mushroom Park,9Before the end of the month500 mu of edible mushroom greenhouses have been put into use。We will actively promote supply-side structural reform in agriculture,Further optimize the agricultural planting structure,We will give priority to the development of high-efficiency agriculture, high-quality facility agriculture, and sightseeing demonstration agriculture,We will accelerate the development of local industries with special characteristics, such as vegetable facilities, Chinese herbal medicines, seedlings and flowers,We will encourage and support the development of family farms and farmers' cooperatives,We will do our utmost to increase agricultural efficiency and farmers' incomes.We will intensify efforts to develop agricultural industrial chains,Expand the scale of intensive processing of agricultural products of leading enterprises such as Zhongtiao Linyuan Food and home noodle industry;We will give priority to increasing the supply of green and high-quality agricultural products,We will pay close attention to standardized production, brand creation, quality and safety supervision of agricultural products.We will advance land contracting in an orderly mannerConfirmation and registration of management rights and rural land transfer;Accelerate the reform of state-owned forest farms to ensure that they are at the forefront of Linfen City。Strengthen agricultural infrastructure construction and investment56 million yuan of the Huihe river two reservoir reinforcement project to step up the project, complete the initial construction, bidding and part of the project。

Solid development"Project Acceleration Year" activity。Closely around the annual project construction objectives and tasks, closely linkedThe theme of "speed up", in accordance with the "Project speed up year" activity work plan, the implementation of various work measures, to promote the construction of the project。Adhere to the municipal leadership of the key project promotion mechanism, the leader of the contract is responsible for the overall responsibility of the project, to fully grasp the project dynamics, and timely coordinate to solve the difficulties and problems in the project promotion。Adhere to the regular scheduling and coordination system, and the municipal government holds a coordination meeting once a month to study and solve problems.In particular, for major projects, including the problems encountered in the promotion of 14 key projects of the headquarters, it is necessary to immediately report and study and solve them at any time。Seize the key nodes of the project promotion breakthrough, from the project research and approval, planning and design, capital operation, land expropriation and demolition to the start of the landing, to keep an eye on the target tasks and tight timeNode, ensure high speed operation, ensure rapid advancement。Strict supervision and assessment, according to the schedule and road map of each project, tracking supervision, listing supervision, rewarding good and punishing bad, strict accountability, and ensuring the cityOf 66 key projects, 50 will be resumed in the first half of this year, 17 of which will be completed and put into operation within this year.The remaining 16 projects will speed up the preliminary work and strive to start work, and strive to complete the investment of more than 4 billion yuan in the whole year。

Fellow representatives, our Houma industry scale is not large enough, quality is not good enough, the level is not high enough, we must promote industrial agglomeration, transformation and upgrading with the big promotion, big breakthrough and big results of project construction, and speed up the construction of industry"Three places", comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of economic development。

(三)Strengthening the foundation, highlighting efforts to improve the living environment, and accelerating the co-construction of urban and rural areas

Focusing on infrastructure construction and accelerating the co-construction of urban and rural areas is an important measure to make up for the shortcomings of urban-rural integration development, serve the people's livelihood, and enhance the quality of the city。We're gonna takeThe humanistic concept is integrated into the whole process of urban planning, construction and management, and promotes urban construction to the direction of refinement。

Further enhance urban functions。Speed up the preparation of city control plan, prepare the detailed control plan of Gaocun Gaotiao district and Fengcheng district, complete the detailed control plan of south and Houbei Industrial Park, urban and rural planning inclines to the countryside, and the coverage rate of rural planning reaches10%Further unimpeded circulation of the urban road network,The west extension project of the North Ring Road has been concerned by the masses and society,Eliminate all difficulties this year,Ensure the completion and opening to traffic;In Dongcheng New District, there are six roads: North of Haijun Street, East of Textile Alley, North of Houfeng Line, North of Xinyi Middle Road, East of Times Square Road and west of Oasis Kangcheng Road,We will strive to complete the construction and open to traffic this year.The transformation project of Zijinshan North Street and Huibin Street was carried out,The south extension of Hehuan Street, Binhe Road and connecting urban road projects have been accelerated to complete financing, land acquisition and other preparatory work,Strive to start some projects;Dayun secondary highway renovation and expansion project to complete the preparatory work。We will further improve the carrying function of urban services, plan to start the expansion project of Houma West Station of the Great Western High-speed Railway, accelerate the construction of double lines and storage ponds of the North Ring Road main network, and improve the ability to ensure water supply。We will strengthen the construction of urban sewage and garbage treatment facilities, and build new sewage, rainwater, and rain-pollution combined pipe networks throughout the year11Km, new construction waste disposal site2处。

Implementing refined urban management。Adhere to the people-oriented, from the details, small start, from the residents concerned about the details, to further improve the urban management mechanism, and vigorously promote refined, standardized, digital, grid management。Give full play to12319The role of the urban construction command system, and the establishment and improvement of the answering, processing, feedback, evaluation and assessment mechanism。Establish and improve mechanisms for timely repair of damage to urban infrastructure;We will crack down on acts that destroy urban roads, grates, road signs, toilets and other public facilities and green facilities。We will continue to improve urban management and public services, and effectively strengthen community management, property management, and market management。Continue to consolidate the achievements of the national health city,We will vigorously promote the special rectification of urban appearance and order and implement it"Five bags in front of the door"Responsibility system, focus on the rectification of disorderly construction, disorderly stop, disorderly fall, disorderly hang and disorderly"Psoriasis" and other urban management diseases, further improve the road cleaning and household garbage collection, cleaning service standards, to ensure that the national health city review passed smoothly。

We will vigorously promote the development of beautiful rural areas。Our Houma city and countryside are closely connected, and the conditions for urban and rural co-construction and sharing are superior。We must continue to make the building of beautiful rural areas an important starting point to improve the living environment in rural areas, as an important measure to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, focus on the goal, continue to strengthen, step by step, and constantly create new highlights and raise new levels。We must seize the opportunity of the third batch of comprehensive pilot projects for new urbanization in the country, tilt more favorable policies and financial resources to rural areas, and strive to use three years to highlight the implementationThe "six full coverage" project has made every effort to push the construction of beautiful countryside to a climax and lead to depth。First, full coverage of garbage centralized treatment。The priority is to implement investment well1.A 100 million yuan rural waste management project to build waste transfer stations3Seat, equipped with garbage transfer truck4, the village is equipped with garbage cans, garbage collection boxes, garbage collection vehicles and other facilities, the construction of domestic garbage comprehensive treatment equipment, and improve the unified collection, unified cleaning and handling of rural garbage facilities system。In accordance with the mode of urban purchasing services, the market-oriented, professional and integrated management mechanism from garbage cleaning, cleaning, collection, transportation to disposal is implemented in rural areas。Second, the comprehensive utilization of domestic sewage covers all。We will focus on implementing total investmentA 300 million yuan project for the comprehensive utilization of rural domestic sewage,The main task of this year is,We will accelerate the construction of domestic sewage pipe networks in some rural areas,Improve and maintain the domestic sewage pipe network of 17 villages in Xintian Township,Five villages close to the source of drinking water to build sewage network and treatment facilities,All other villages shall build domestic sewage treatment facilities or part of domestic sewage pipe networks。Third, full coverage of central heating。We will formulate a central heating plan covering the whole city, organize and implement it in stages, and add new central heating areas in urban and rural areas this yearWith 1.14 million square meters, the central heating coverage of built-up areas reached more than 96%, 10 urban villages achieved central heating, and the coverage of rural central heating reached 60% in 2018, ensuring full coverage in 2019。Fourth, full coverage of centralized gas supply。We will accelerate the extension of natural gas pipeline networks to rural areas, and accelerate the coverage of urban natural gas blind spots"Zero", for remote villages that are not covered by the gas transmission network, actively adopt a new model of canned transportation, do everything possible to solve the problem of natural gas entering villages and households, further improve the gas rate, and accelerate the realization of full coverage of centralized gas supply。Fifth, full coverage of urban tap water。Actively promote urban tap water into villages and households, and speed up the completion of the surplus28A village full coverage work。Sixth, full coverage of the health network platform。Seize the policy opportunity of the National Healthy City pilot, promote the establishment of a medical information data platform covering the whole city, achieve residents' health information interconnection and full coverage of real-time query of electronic health records, so that urban and rural residents can enjoy convenient and high-quality medical service resources without leaving their homes。

Fellow deputies, implementationThe "six full coverage" projects are the characteristics and highlights of urban and rural construction in our city, and are also important measures to improve the quality of people's lives。We believe that with the participation and support of the whole city, especially the vast rural masses, through three years of hard work, we will be able to make achievements, make a model, and rebuild the new brand of Houma living environment in Sanjin。

(4) Tree brand, highlighting efforts in the mining and integration of cultural resources, and promoting the rise of culture

Cultural tourism industry is a comprehensive industry,关联High, involving a wide range, radiation with strongIt is the most dynamic emerging industry in economic and social developmentWe should gradually cultivate cultural tourism into a leading industryTo create new poles of economic growth。

We will foster and expand the cultural tourism industry。Actively integrate into and lead the coordinated development of Jin culture, and take the joint meeting of Houma, Quwo and Yicheng counties (cities) as an opportunity to dig deeply into Jin cultural resources。Step up the formulation of Houma City cultural tourism development plan, promote the "Jin Ancient City Site Park Construction Plan" through expert demonstration, and accelerate the establishment of the tourism committee。Promote cultural tourism in Jin,We will develop global tourism,It focuses on Houma's position in the tourism layout and structure of Linfen and the whole province,Focus on the difference with the surrounding tourism resources,Focus on the development, integration and utilization of existing cultural tourism resources,It is based on the former residence of Peng Zhen, Jin Expo Garden and Tai Tai Temple,Elaborate planning, unified investment,Planning a variety of tourist routes,Create a red tourism route with Peng Zhen's former residence as the core,Build Jin cultural tourism routes with Jin Expo Park and copper casting site as the core,To create a fragrant grass, Provence as the core of the leisure tourism route。We will promote the development of hotel, catering and other service industries, and further improve the reception capacity and level。China craft town project to step up the completion of the project, signing the investment subject, and strive to start construction;Jinyuan Cultural City project to accelerate the construction progress, strive for early completion and start to carry out investment work。

We promoted the rapid development of cultural programs。Firmly establish socialist core values, and actively practice civic ethics, focusing onThe Houma spirit of "confidence, harmony, beauty and progress" promotes the formation of a good new style of civilization in the whole society。Further strengthen the protection of shadow play, Jin embroidery, bronze ware, butterfly cup, cloth tiger and other characteristic intangible cultural heritage projects, and actively guide the commercialization of intangible cultural heritage protection products。We will speed up the construction of cultural and sports centers and strive to complete the main project by the end of the year。We will invigorate people's cultural and sports life,Relying on various cultural and artistic associations,Play the role of today's Houma, TV station, Xintian magazine and other platforms,Actively promote literary creation, painting and calligraphy creation, music and dance, folk art and other activities,Promote cultural prosperity;Build six sports and sports activity brands such as Spring Festival Gala, "Healthy Houma · Sunshine Life" national walking;The Chinese National Basketball Open Houma District competition, the city's singing competition, fitness Yangko competition and other three major events。The annual summer party in Xintian Square has had a great impact on the masses,We need to extend it,Further give play to the role of various sports and sports activities in education and entertainment,Work on innovation,The activity can reflect the new progress of Houma's economic and social development from content to form,It reflects Houma people's spirit of positive, innovative and hard work and harmonious coexistence。

Fellow deputies, Houma, once the ancient capital of the State of Jin, is rich in cultural heritage and cultural resources。We believe that through the inheritance and protection of Jin culture, digging and carrying forward, we can certainly enhance our cultural consciousness, cultural self-confidence and cultural self-improvement, and cultivate new advantages in urban development。

(五)Re-cure the root cause, highlighting the efforts to create green mountains and clear water, to achieve environmental improvement

Ecological progress bears on overall economic and social development and the vital interests of the people。We need to build furtherThe strong awareness of "green water and green mountains are golden hills and silver mountains", adhere to green development, environmental protection, strengthen work measures, increase governance, and ensure that our city's environmental protection work continues to lead the province。

We will fight pollution with an iron hand。Adhere to the priority of environmental protection, put environmental protection work in the top priority position, adhere to the same responsibilities of the Party and government, implement grid management, constantly improve the environmental supervision mechanism, pollution control linkage mechanism, early warning and emergency response mechanism, adhere to comprehensive planning, adhere to the short-term symptoms and long-term cure the root cause of the combination, adhere to"Iron responsibility, iron wrist control pollution, iron heart accountability, iron approach to cure the root", around the prevention and control of air, water, soil pollution, to win the battle of environmental protection。We will continue to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment。Through data analysis and in-depth investigation, we found that the main characteristic pollutants of our city's atmosphere arePM2.5In this regard, targeted measures should be taken to implement accurate pollution control, scientific pollution control, and comprehensive pollution control。Deep control of steel, coking and other gas related industrial enterprises as the focus of industrial pollution, Jianbang new90 square meters sintering flue gas desulfurization tower project to ensure that the equipment is installed in place,Huanda Industry, Huaqiang steel pollution control facilities to upgrade,Fully completed and in normal operation by the end of October;High-standard governance of gas-related industrial enterprises,12 enterprises in the city to produce dust material storage yard and loading and unloading transmission process to implement fully closed management;We will comprehensively crack down on "small, scattered and dirty" enterprises,Measures will be taken to shut down, integrate and adjust production,Reducing total emissions;We will strengthen source control of coal projects,The growth rate of total coal consumption will be lower than that of GDP per 10,000 yuan。Strictly regulate coal-fired boilers, speed up the elimination of coal-fired boilers in built-up areas, and eliminate all six coal-fired heating boilers listed in the elimination list by the end of March。Comprehensively promote clean heating, promote the "clean" life and heating of residents outside the built-up areas by means of "coal to electricity" and "coal to gas", implement clean energy transformation projects, and increase the supply of gas to 900 households by the end of October。Comprehensive regulation of non-point sourcesWe will strengthen the control of dust generated by construction and road traffic, strengthen the control of restaurant fumes, strengthen the control of open burning and open storage yards, and strengthen the prevention and control of motor vehicle pollution to ensure that the control of air pollution has achieved significant results。We will continue to improve the quality of water environment。Strictly implement"River long system", strengthen the drainage outlet of Fenhe River, Huihe river and key water-carrying enterprises discharge water quality monitoring and assessment, promote the depth of treatment of Huanda coking wastewater, speed up the construction of sewage treatment facilities of water-carrying enterprises such as wind and lightning machinery。Carry out standardized management of river, water quality improvement and ecological restoration projects of the lower reaches of the Huihe river to steadily improve surface water quality。Strictly prevent and control soil pollution。The action plan for the prevention and control of soil pollution has been formulated and completed, and the soil environmental monitoring capacity has been promoted, and the soil routine project monitoring capacity has been preliminarily developed。Strengthen the publicity of environmental protection knowledge, environmental protection laws and regulations, and strive to create a good atmosphere for all people to support and participate in environmental protection。We will further strengthen the accountability of punishmentEnterprises that violate regulations and do not implement relevant measures shall be severely punished in accordance with regulations, and relevant personnel who do not perform their duties shall be seriously pursued and held accountable, and a number of typical cases of environmental violations shall be investigated and handled to form a high-pressure situation to crack down on environmental crimes。

Strengthen ecological development。Accelerate progress"One mountain and one river" development to create green mountains。The development of Purple Mountain should fully tap the natural landscape, cultural landscape, historical sites and other resources, and plan to build a comprehensive ecological landscape belt and cultural leisure industrial district integrating tourism, shopping and entertainment. This year, on the basis of comprehensive investigation, a high starting point and high standards of planning should be prepared。Huihe development, planThree years or so,Carry out integrated management project of ecological restoration of Huihe River, focusing on flood control, water storage, returning farmland, dampness, planting green, scenery, building Bridges and roads,We will comprehensively restore and carry out the Huihe River ecosystem,Improve the quality of water environment,Build the Huihe River into a complex landscape corridor integrating ecological protection, sightseeing and leisure, culture and popular science, sports and sports, recreation and entertainment, health preservation, special diet, slow life experience, Jin style display and other functions, harmonious coexistence of man and nature。目Before, the conceptual planning and design scheme of the project has been completed, and the relevant road, pipe network, ecological restoration projects have completed the preliminary procedures of project approval, environmental assessment, land and planningActively raise funds and strive to start construction as soon as possible。We will continue to improve greening工作,Complete cow village, post bridge, etc10 village greening projects,Urban green areas were increased throughout the year10Ten thousand square meters, Purple Mountain shelter forest500Mu, farmland forest net barrier10000亩。

Advocate green travel。Through the construction of bus charging station projects, the pure electrification of buses, and the distribution of urban public bicycles,Build a green travel public transportation system and differentiated travel network covering the whole city to achieve a win-win situation of convenience for the masses and improvement of environmental quality。Total investment30 million yuan bus charging station project,8Completion of construction in October;Newly purchased137Taiwan pure electric buses will be put into operation as soon as possible;City bike public project, completed1000A bicycle purchase and45A parking station construction, striveIt was partially put into use in October。At the same time, further standardize traffic management, increase the comprehensive management of urban traffic congestion in key areas, promote intelligent transportation system engineering, and improve the level of traffic management。Comprehensively strengthen the management of online booking taxis, and promote the diversified and differentiated development of the taxi passenger transport market。

Fellow Deputies,Environmental protection benefits the present and future generations。We'll make sureEcological and environmental protection work as the largest public project to grasp, adhere to heavy control of pollution, adhere to iron control, adhere to green development, so that Houma's sky is bluer, the mountains are greener, the water is cleaner, the air is fresher!

(6) Seeking well-being, focusing on working hard for the people and promoting the improvement of people's livelihood

We want toWe take ensuring and improving people's wellbeing as the starting point and ultimate goal of all our work, stick to the bottom line, highlight key areas, and increase input to ensure that people have a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment。

We will do a good job in education, which is the foundation of people's livelihood。We will comprehensively improve the balanced development of compulsory education, and strengthen vocational, preschool, and special education programs。We will focus on investment8500Ten thousand yuan of compulsory education balanced county acceptance project for the cityForty-seven schools receiving compulsory education were equipped with laboratories, equipment, books, computers and other facilities and equipment, and improved the infrastructure of weak schools9At the end of the month, the high standard passed the acceptance of the Ministry of Education。Houma No. 2 Middle School construction project is of great significance to optimize the education layout, meet the needs of junior middle school students in the service area, and achieve the expansion and quality improvement of Zijinshan Primary School. This year, we should do a good job in the preliminary preparation of the project, complete the preliminary links of land, planning, environmental assessment, project approval, and design in the first half of the year, start construction in the second half of the year, and strive for next yearEnrollment will be achieved in September。We will strengthen the ranks of teachers and principals, improve and implement exchange mechanisms, and do a good job in learning and training100The recruitment of teachers has promoted the continuous improvement of teaching and management level, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high schools has reached92%The results of the middle school and college entrance examination continue to maintain the lead of Linfen City。

We will do a good job in medical care, which is an urgent task for people's livelihood。The early completion and operation of the new People's Hospital is the eager expectation of the people of the city in recent years, we must make every effort to raise funds, speed up the completion of indoor installation, decoration and other projects, and ensure that the relocation conditions are met by the end of the year, and put into use before the May Day next year。We will comprehensively launch the pilot project of healthy cities, and do a solid job in applying for the creation of national health towns in Gaocun Township。We will continue to improve the level of equalization of public health services and complete the healthy Houma· Construction of cloud platform project center platform to facilitate people to enjoy health services。Comprehensively deepen the reform of the medical and health care system, establish a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment model with first diagnosis at the grass-roots level, two-way referral, emergency and slow treatment, and top-down linkage, and improve the comprehensive two-child supporting policy system。Strengthen the construction of medical teams, constantly improve the medical ethics and service level of medical personnel, and build a harmonious "doctor-patient" relationship。

We will ensure that employment is essential to the people's wellbeing。We will further expand employment channels, strengthen employment services, improve township offices and community employment service platforms, improve the functions of employment networks, and strengthen employment training for entrepreneurs。We will give priority to employment support for key groups, and increase employment assistance to college graduates, surplus rural labor, zero-employment families and other groups with employment difficulties。Provides employment throughout the year12000Job creation6200The registered urban unemployment rate is controlled at3.5%以内。

We will ensure that social security meets the needs of the people。We will continue to do a good job in expanding the collection and payment of social security, so as to ensure full participation and guarantee。We will do a solid job in urban and rural subsistence allowances, medical assistance, and disaster emergency relief。Promote the rapid development and strengthening of elderly care services38Operation and management of day care centers for the elderly in rural communities, and the social welfare center project will be put into use and invested as soon as possible16.The 5.8 billion yuan Yi Zhifu elderly medical care Center project, this year, the main body of the inpatient building was capped, and the medical technology building, office building and nursing home completed part of the main project。We will continue to increase the construction of government-subsidized housing and renovate housing in run-down areas throughout the year210Household, rural dilapidated houses200户。

We will work hard to achieve the goal of poverty alleviation。Poverty alleviation is the most arduous task in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。This year, we will continue to fight the battle against poverty2016Poverty alleviation work is carried out once a yearLook back,Good tracking service,Resolutely prevent poverty alleviation and return to poverty;On the other hand, we will further establish and improve the mechanism for tackling difficult problems,Reverse the progress, wall chart combat,Rapidly promote the "six major poverty alleviation projects" of pairing assistance, industrial poverty alleviation, education poverty alleviation, insurance poverty alleviation, photovoltaic poverty alleviation, and policy cover,Ensure that poverty alleviation measures are in place and funds allocated for poverty alleviation are in place,We will ensure that all remaining poor people are lifted out of poverty,To ensure that Linfen City and even the province take the lead in high standards to complete the task of poverty alleviation。

Fellow deputies, it is our bounden responsibility to let the people of the city live a better life。We must do our utmost to improve the well-being of the people, do a good job in every matter that concerns the people, and achieve practical results, so that the people of the city can enjoy more benefits and harvest more happiness!

7. Maintaining stability, focusing on efforts to maintain stability and security, and promoting social harmony

Security and stability are the prerequisite and guarantee for doing all our work well, and are the firewall for economic and social development。We must seize the security and stability work for a moment to build a safe and harmonious social environment for the people of the city!

We will work hard to ensure workplace safety。Fully implementCPC Central Committee, State Council"Opinions on Promoting Reform and Development in the Field of Production Safety", adhere to"Development must not be at the expense of security" is an insurmountable red line, adhere to the "party and government responsibility, one post and two responsibilities, joint management, dereliction of duty accountability", resolutely implement the major security risks "one vote veto"。Continue to carry out the general inspection of production safety, deepen the work of "fighting non-violations" and special rectification, and ensure the continuous and stable improvement of the city's production safety situation。We will strengthen safety supervision in key areas and key links such as road traffic, crowded places, fire protection, hazardous chemicals, construction, campus surroundings, and food safety,We will do a solid job in flood control, forest fire prevention, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction,We will further improve monitoring, early warning and emergency response mechanisms,We will make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property。

We will work hard to ensure stability in letters and visits。Continue to do a good job of receiving and visiting municipal leaders, develop a regular meeting mechanism for municipal leaders to discuss the work of letters and visits, so that small things are asked, big things are managed, everything has an echo and everything has a landing。In particular, in areas where conflicts occur frequently, such as land expropriation and demolition, the payment of wages to migrant workers, and legal litigation, we will prevent conflicts at the source, do a good job of resolving conflicts, strengthen the prevention of early prediction, catch small problems, effectively solve the problems of letters and visits in the bud, and resolutely prevent large-scale mass incidents from occurring。Make every effort to do a good job in the inventory of letters and visits, strive to break through a batch and resolve a batch, and ensure that the order of letters and visits is fundamentally improved。

We will strengthen social governance。Continuous pushThe construction of "Safe Houma" has carried out special operations such as cracking down on black and evil, eradicating "yellow, gambling and drugs", and severely cracked down on all kinds of criminal acts。Further improve the social security prevention and control system, complete the construction and installation of public security video surveillance system, wireless network security management system6The construction will be completed and put into use by the end of the month, effectively improving the ability to investigate and solve crimes, public security prevention, and network security control。We will improve the construction of places for supervision, and the main projects for supervised housing in detention centers and detention centers will be completed by the end of the year。In-depth developmentWe will publicize the Seventh Five-Year Plan, do a good job in legal aid, standardize the organization of opinion polls, strengthen community correction and resettlement, and effectively reduce social conflicts and disputes。We will further strengthen the construction of a credit system, establish a sound linkage mechanism for preventing financial risks, dealing with illegal fund-raising, and cracking down on the flight of small logistics with funds, actively and effectively maintain financial order, and resolutely prevent the accumulation and sudden occurrence of major social security risks。

三、We will comprehensively improve the level of government self-improvement

Fellow Deputies,What the people want is what the government will do。We want toBearing in mind the purpose of serving the people,Faithfully perform their duties, highlight the real work, have the courage to take responsibility, and constantly improve the standard and level of their own construction。

(一)Use learning to support administration and improve the quality of cadres。We attach great importance to the study of political theory among cadresThrough the study of the Party's theory, line, principles and policies, we should constantly improve the ideological level and political literacy of cadres, especially to deepen"Two learning and one doing" learning and education, and constantly expand the results of learning and education, so that the purpose consciousness of cadres has been effectively enhanced, and the Party spirit has been truly exercised。积极We will carry out training and education in finance, law, science and technology, and the Internet, optimize the knowledge structure of government personnel, and constantly improve the ability and level of cadres to serve the people's livelihood and promote scientific economic development, so as to lay a solid foundation for advanced planning of economic work and scientific management of social undertakings。

We will govern for the people and accelerate the transformation of our functions。Strengthen government workersSense of service and responsibilityInsist on going deep into the grassroots, deep into the masses, wholeheartedly for the masses to make practical moves, do practical things, do good things, carry out the work on the front line, solve problems on the front line, and win the trust and support of the people with real performance。Innovate ways to connect with the masses and improve them"Mayor's mailbox", "Mayor's hotline" and other platforms to strengthen the communication and interaction between the government and the masses。We will make government affairs more open, promote e-government, online consultation, and online administration, improve service efficiency, and ensure the people's rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and to supervise。

Administer the administration according to law and accept supervision consciously。We will firmly establish a rule of law mindset, exercise our powers and perform our duties in strict accordance with statutory authority and procedures, and promote law-based government work。We improved the mechanisms for oversight and restraint of power, and voluntarily accepted the legal oversight of the People's congresses and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC.We will earnestly handle the motions and suggestions of NPC deputies and CPPCC committees委员提案;Strengthen administrative supervision, resolutely correct inaction and disorderly conduct, resolutely overcome lazy and negligent administration, and resolutely punish dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty;We strengthened oversight of law enforcement and continued to deepen our efforts"Double random, one open" to ensure strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement;With an open mind, we should accept public oversight and supervision by public opinion, let the people oversee power, and let power be exercised in the sunshine。

高效勤政,勇于Act as。We will carry out thorough implementation of the provincial government13710Work system, establish an electronic supervision platform, improve the regular work meeting system, and do everything possible to promote the implementation of government work。Strengthen sense of responsibility,Improve execution,Talk about innovation,Adopt reform and opening-up measures,Study new situations, solve new problems, break new paths;In terms of efficiency,I want to be in the forefront of my work, work first, and take a step faster,Bring up efficiency,Push the work forward;Talk about implementation,For the development of difficult, major events,Have the courage to face up to difficulties,Take targeted measures,Really get results。In-depth implementation of the "assessment and filing year" activities,Strict rewards and punishments, strict accountability,Really breakThe situation of "doing and not doing the same, doing well and doing bad" clearly supports the responsibility of the undertaker and acts for the undertaker。

廉洁Politics, strict discipline rules。落实全面Strictly governing the Party's principal responsibility,Earnestly fulfill the "one post and two responsibilities",Adhere to the same arrangement, deployment, and assessment of business work and clean government work, and promote the implementation of business work with the construction of Party style and clean government。We will enhance awareness of the Party Constitution, and earnestly implement the principles governing intra-party political activities, integrity, self-discipline and integrityRegulations on Disciplinary Action of the Communist Party of China, QuestionAccountability regulations, supervision regulations, to build a strong ideological and institutional defense against corruption and change。Adhere to the discipline in the front, strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee, continue to brake the "four winds", prevent rebound, and effectively improveConsciousness of honesty and self-discipline。We firmly carried out the special governance activities of "speaking politics, respecting respect, and abiding by rules", started with a high starting point, promoted the activities with high quality, and worked hard to create a good environment for political ecology and economic development。

Fellow Deputies,The people have placed great trust in us and we are full of confidence.We will certainly under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, under the supervision and support of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal CPPCC and all sectors of society, gather together, forge ahead, be loyal, strive to act, and continue to createThe new situation of the "five great cities" strategy and the "four Houma" construction, with practical actions and excellent results to meet the successful convening of the 19th National Congress of the Party!


Relevant notes on the Government Work Report

one"Five major cities" strategy:That is, the development strategy of industrial agglomeration, urban and rural co-construction, cultural rise, environmental improvement and people's livelihood improvement proposed at the 11th Party Congress of the city。

2."Four Houma" construction:It means to build a green, livable, open and civilized new Houma。

3."Replacing business tax with VAT" :Is the abbreviation of business tax to VAT。

4"Small lift Gauge" :Refers to small and micro enterprises below the scale (that is, the annual main business incomeEnterprises below 20 million yuan) transformation and upgrading to enterprises above designated size, referred to as "small rising gauge"。

5"One mountain and one river" development:Finger purple goldDevelopment of mountains and Huihe river。

6."Multi-plan integration" pilot:It refers to strengthening and ensuring the integration of urban and rural construction, land use, environmental protection, cultural relics protection, forest land protection, comprehensive transportation, water resources, cultural tourism and social programs on the basis of national economic and social development plansImportant spatial parameters such as protective space, development boundary and urban scale determined by "multi-regulation" are consistent, and a control line system is established on a unified spatial information platform to achieve the goal of optimizing spatial layout, effectively allocating land resources, and improving the government's spatial control level and governance ability。

Seven."Double random, one public" :That is, randomly selected inspection objects during the supervision process,Law enforcement inspectors will be randomly selected, and the results of random inspections and investigations will be disclosed to the public in a timely manner。

8."Two learning and one doing" learning education:"Study the Party Constitution and Party regulations, study a series of speeches, and do qualified party members" study and education。

9."13710" working system:According to the General Office of the Provincial Government on implementationNotice on the "13710" Work System "(Jin Administration Office issued [2016] No. 64), implementing the" 13710 "electronic ledger management for major decisions and important deployments of the provincial government。"1" means to study deployment on the day;"3" means to report the situation to the provincial government within 3 days;"7" means that general problems should be resolved within seven days in principle;"1" means that major issues, including some complex issues, should be resolved within one month,It really can't be solved,To come up with the time node and solution;"0" means that all matters should be tracked to the end, and the number is cleared,Everything has its place,Every case has results。

10.Overall layout of "Five in one" :The report to the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is to integrate economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction and ecological progress。

11.The "four Comprehensives" strategic layout:It means building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, comprehensively deepening reform, comprehensively governing the country according to law, and comprehensively enforcing strict Party governance。

12.“双创”:Mass entrepreneurship and innovation。

13.Agricultural products:It means to sell produce online

14.PPP mode:It refers to the cooperation between government departments and private companies or private organizations to optimize the provision of public goods and services such as project financing and construction of infrastructure projects through the form of concession agreements"Win-win" or "all-win"。

Fifteen.Bridge funds:It is a financing of short-term funds with a period of six months, and it is a kind of funding that is opposite to long-term funds。The purpose is to achieve the conditions of docking with long-term funds through the financing of bridge funds, and then replace bridge funds with long-term funds。

16.国企"Three supplies and one business":指State-owned enterpriseWater, electricity, supplyAnd Properties

17.Industry "three places" :It refers to building Houma into a regional emerging industrial base, a modern logistics highland and a cultural tourism and shopping destination。

18."Three base year" :On February 13, 2017, Comrade Wang Xujie, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, pointed out in a speech at the second plenary session of the 11th Municipal Party Committee and the Economic Work Conference that it is necessary to carry out the "three years" activities of project acceleration year, three base raising year and assessment raising year。"Three basic" refers to "grass-roots organization, basic work, basic capacity"。

19."Five parks, one center" :That is, Dayun Highway hub logistics Park, Zhenelectrification business Industrial Park, Putian home Appliance Logistics Park, Tongsheng Pharmaceutical Logistics Park, light industry city logistics Park and Fangli bonded logistics Center。

20."Light Speed Houma" project:Refers to the maximum optical fiber to the people's production and life to promote, realNow optical fiber to the building, optical fiber to the home, so that the broadband speed is greatly improved, fully meet the needs of various information applications for network bandwidth"Full network coverage"

21."Five guarantees in front of the door" responsibility system:Downtown street units, shops, owners落实Package purification, package greening, package lighting, package beautification, package order责任

22"Psoriasis" :It refers to the phenomenon that people describe the illegal Posting or writing of small advertisements in public places such as stations, streets, toilets and residential areas in cities。

23"River chief System" :The General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The General Office of the State Council "Opinions on the Comprehensive implementation of the River chief System" clearly states that the Party committees or governments at provincial, city, county and township levels are mainly responsible comradesThe "river chief" shall be responsible for water pollution control, water resources protection, river and lake waterfront management and protection, water environment management, water ecological restoration, river and lake law enforcement and supervision。

24"Seventh Five-Year Plan" law popularization:It's the CCP Central Committee propagandaSeventh Five-Year Plan of the Ministry of Justice on the promotion and education of the rule of law among citizens (2016-2020年)Be short for...。


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