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2015 Government Work Report

2015-05-29 Source: Houma City Government Office

- 15th session in Houma on May 28, 2015

The fifth session of the People's Congress

Mayor of the People's Government of Houma  Wang Xujie

Fellow Deputies,

On behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I now make a work report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and approval. I also invite the municipal CPPCC members and other non-voting personnel to submit their comments。

一、2014 work review

Last year, the economy entered a new normal。In the face of many challenges and opportunities,我们深入贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会和习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,Conscientiously implement all arrangements of the province and Linfen City,Under the strong leadership of the municipal committee,Closely rely on all levels of all departments and the broad masses of cadres and the masses,Actively adapt to the new normal,Overcome difficulties and strive to catch up,Solid progressThe "three three" strategy has achieved a new leap in transformation and upgrading and enriching the people and strengthening the city。

-- Major economic indicators bucked the trend。Actively respond to the downward pressure on the economy, effectively strengthen the measures to promote growth, effectively ensure the smooth completion of various tasks and objectives, especially the completion of the main economic indicators exceeded expectations, and achieved a large number of ahead in Linfen City ranking。The annual gross regional product was completed85.2.5 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5%, higher than the province and Linfen average growth rate of 3.6和3.9 percentage points, in Linfen City's ranking jumped from the last to the second;Total fiscal revenue and general budget revenue both exceeded the threshold, achieving 8.7.5 billion dollars and 4.3.8 billion yuan, an increase of more than 30%, the growth rate ranked among the top two in Linfen City and the top ten in the province;The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size was 14.4.6 billion yuan, an increase of 13.5%, rose from the bottom 3 of Linfen City to the third;Investment in fixed assets completed 68.9.8 billion yuan, an increase of 49 percent year-on-year.7%, from the last two Linfen City into the second place;Total retail sales of consumer goods were 74.3.5 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1%, the absolute amount still occupies the second place in Linfen City;The per capita disposable income of urban residents and rural residents reached 2.280,000 yuan and 1.180,000 yuan, an increase of 9.4%和12.5%, are listed first in Linfen City。

-- A hundred projects have produced fruitful results。Focusing on laying the foundation, promoting the transformation, increasing the momentum, highlighting the starting point of the project work, the organization and implementation of 100 engineering construction conferences, which were rolled out throughout the yearNew and continued projects75, attracting, reserving and pre-preparation projects20多个。With a total investment of more than 20 billion yuan, the projects cover the five major fields of industry, commerce, agriculture, infrastructure and people's livelihood. The number of projects implemented, the breadth of involvement and the scale of investment exceed all previous years。Under the careful planning and active operation of each project unit, the four major teams in the city include the full assistance and cooperation of the leaders and the leading departmentsWith the help of tracking, the construction of 100 projects has been vigorously, orderly and effectively promoted throughout the year47 projects were completed and put into operation, with a total investment of 34.300 million yuan, accounting for 50% of the total fixed asset investment in the whole society。Especially with coal thermal power, TongshengLNGA number of key projects such as the shoe and clothing processing base of the light Industry City, Maozhou cattle industry, the square in front of the Daxi high-speed Railway Station, and central heating expansion have been put into operation, becoming a new engine to drive the city's industrial transformation, improve the environment, and improve people's livelihood。我市"Six in one" project work, overall promotion, outstanding achievements, by the Linfen Municipal Party Committee and municipal government commendation awards。

-- The transformation of the three major economies was accelerated。We will continue to make breakthroughs in industry, commerce and the urban economy, further adjust and optimize the industrial structure, and promote industrial upgrading。The support and platform functions of the industrial park have been continuously enhanced。Innovation Park adhere to the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries as the main direction,Out of the iron and steel enterprises as the leader,A new way for related enterprises such as coking and cement to huddle together for heating, operation and circular development;Ecological parks actively broaden the development of ideas,We will strengthen measures to foster excellence and attract investment,In the promotion of foundry enterprise management alliance, help military enterprises to explore the market, and promote the integration of medical enterprises resources,And the success of attracting new energy, new materials and cultural tourism projects;Small and micro entrepreneurship park to accelerate the pace of expansion and quality improvement,Settled enterprises reachMore than 80 companies, absorbing more than 600 jobs, have played an exemplary role in promoting nationwide entrepreneurship and increasing social employment。The transformation and upgrading of traditional markets was accelerated。Golden Diamond International Plaza, emerging Textile City, Liyuan Star City, Runxiang Commercial Street, Jinyuan Cultural City and other projects have been completed, and the country's largest household brand enterprise Red Star Macalline Group has officially settled in our city, starting the construction of the total investment700 million yuan international business center project, railway station, light industry city and Dongcheng New District three major business district market construction and transformation scale of more than 300,000 square meters。In the marketing, logistics and distribution links, the new business forms with the means of network and wechat marketing are booming, and the two major e-commerce platforms with their own brands, "Buy now" and "Wo Mai good products", are put into operation。According to the 2014 e-commerce Development Index, the city has become the only county in Shanxi that ranks among the "top 100 e-commerce counties" in China。Transportation, finance and insurance and all kinds of life services have a strong growth trend, and the tertiary industry accounts for 66 percent of the city's total economic output.8%。Further highlightTrade and processing industry development position。The construction and scale expansion of key enterprises such as Fujian Hongsheng Shoes, Yiwu Zitianyu, Junwei Clothing, Yafeng Clothing, Qiao Mei Clothing, Jin Wolf rough cloth,Give full help;The supporting construction and starting operation of the five processing parks,Give inclined support;The investment area will be expanded from the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta to the central provinces and Liaoning Haicheng and other important processing bases,The total number of commercial processing enterprises in the city exceeds200 households, achieving the goal of an increase of 100 households a year。Urban economyStay alive。Insist on managementAs the entry point of urban public resources such as land, the operation has entered the standardized track, and the production factors have been optimized, which has driven the rapid development of urban service industries such as warehousing, logistics, commerce, processing, automobile trading, and maintenance。The rural economy insists on land circulation as the starting point and adds new land circulationMore than 5,400 mu, the city has nearly 40,000 mu of land through the transfer to achieve intensive and efficient use。The pilot work on land ownership confirmation and registration went smoothly。The total grain output reached a new high, the output of cattle, mutton and poultry eggs increased rapidly, and ten high-quality planting parks and ten special breeding bases, such as Guanzhuang strawberry and Da Nanzhuang Hongman sheep, achieved large-scale and standardized upgrading。Deli Food, Jibin pickles, Zhongtiao Linyuan, Xingye flour and other agricultural and sideline products processing leading enterprises continued to expand, the total output value of the industry breakthrough4.500 million yuan, the city's agricultural scale management and industrialization development has reached a new level。

-- Deepening reform efforts。Firmly seize the three major policy pilot opportunities of the province's urban and rural overall planning, expanding power and strengthening counties, and transforming and comprehensive reform, focus on deepening reform and enhancing development vitality。We will earnestly implement all measures to streamline administration and delegate power to lower levels, and cancel all items subject to merge and review449, the department's approval functions and personnel to achieve "two centralized, two in place", re-engineering the administrative approval process, investment project approval time limit from the original 207 working days to 85 working days。Take the lead in the province to startThe reform of the business registration system further stimulated the investment and entrepreneurial vitality of market players throughout the yearNewly registered enterpriseThere were 405 households and 2,157 individual industrial and commercial households, and the number of registered enterprises under the corporate system nearly doubled over the previous year。We comprehensively implemented measures to help enterprises, and offered tax breaks and concessions to small and micro businesses。Implement the spirit of the reform of the coal transportation and marketing system in the province, and promptly abolish the city3 coke road inspection stations。Accelerate the implementation of financial innovation, all kinds of financial institutions in the year of total new loans 14.500 million yuan, "help guarantee loans" issued more than 30 million yuan。Through the introduction of social capital, the implementation of equity transfer and capital increase and share expansion, the strength of the financial guarantee platform has been improved。To further promote scientific and technological innovation, the city has 2 newly recognized high-tech enterprises, 1 science and technology innovative enterprises, and 4 provincial and Linfen municipal enterprise technology centers。Actively promote innovation in integrated urban and rural management,Perfect and form"One city, two axes, multiple points" urban planning system,Report proposed urban village renovation andFarmer to citizenThe specific measures have taken the first step in coordinating urban and rural development。

-- The urban and rural environment has significantly improved。Gather the hearts of all people,All the strength of the city, all the strengthCreate a national health city。The whole city has done its part, actively participated and fully cooperated,The total investment of Chuangwei has reached2More than 100 million yuan。Highlight the key, difficult and weak link problem rectification, old residential areas, farmers' markets, railways, cities"psoriasisEnvironmental health conditions such as governance, urban villages and suburban villages have been significantly improved;Actively innovate the management mode, and implement the "non-landing" management of garbage in the built-up area;Health education, city appearance and environment, food safety, disease control, public health, vector control10 major items, 66 minor itemsAll indicators are up to standard;The function of the city has been continuously improved,A number of key infrastructure projects such as the first phase of the 108 National Highway rerouting project, the Houxiang Bridge deck renovation project, the North Ring Road overpass Bridge culvert project, the sewage treatment plant renovation and expansion project, the water transmission pipeline project, the waste compression transfer station project, the domestic waste landfill treatment project, and the power grid capacity expansion project were successfully completed,In particular, the central heating expansion project made breakthroughs,The extended mileage of the city's pipe network reached 21.3 km, heating area increased to 4 millionAbove, urban coverage exceeds90%;The city's quality has been further upgraded,Chengwang West Road, Wangqiao North Street, etcThe renovation and paving of eight major and secondary roads and sidewalks in urban areas has been completed, and more than 7,700 street lights, 1,560 garbage bins, more than 3,500 dry toilets, 29 public toilets, and 15 buses have been renovated.Cheng Wang Park was completed and opened,Completion of urban greening20.3万Purple Mountain phase I afforestation5000 mu, urban green coverage rate, forest coverage rate reached 43.85%和22.5%;Pollution prevention and control made solid progress,According to the new monitoring standards, the number of days above grade II in the whole year reached270 days, an increase of 52 days over the previous year;We launched an action plan to improve rural living environment, and coordinated progress was made in four major projects: improving quality, housing for farmers, improving the environment, and demonstrating livability. We renovated dilapidated rural houses for 450 households, relocated 298 households, and strengthened rural road2.3 kilometers, soil erosion control 4000 mu, the city's total23 villages have access to natural gas, 33 villages have laid drainage networks, and 46 villages have access to urban tap water, which is second to none in Linfen City。With the unremitting efforts of the whole city, our citySuccessfully won the title of National Health city。This honor has won a beautiful business card for our city and home, written a strong ink for the construction of beautiful and civilized Houma, and also let the people of the cityFeel proud and proud!

-- Steady progress has been made in improving people's lives。We will ensure that the people share in the fruits of reform and development, and coordinate efforts to improve people's wellbeing。Continuous implementation of education quality improvement projects, the city's new expansion of rural kindergartens3所、Renovate and strengthen weak rural schools1, recruiting 26 rural primary school teachers。The high school and college entrance examination achieved good results again, and the students in the first middle school were round"Tsinghua" dream。Quality education, special education and vocational education developed healthily and showed their distinctive features。The level of medical services has been continuously improved, the city's residents' personal electronic health filing rate has reached more than 90%, and residents have enjoyed the benefits brought by the reform of the basic medicine system。The mechanism for collecting and paying social security has been continuously innovated, and the pilot work of integrating the collection of five kinds of insurance has been steadily advanced。A total of 7,456 jobs were created over the year。Urban and rural subsistence allowances and poverty relief are solid and effective。The rise in the consumer price Index (CPI) will be kept within 2%。Especially in the case that the available financial resources are still very scarce, more than 90 million yuan was taken out at one time and the two-year salary adjustment part of the personnel of administrative institutions was reissued, becoming the only county and city in Linfen to cash in full on schedule。Cultural projects for the benefit of the people have been in-depth and solid, and thousands of theatrical and film performances have been organized and sent to the countryside throughout the year. Various festival culture and summer cultural performances have been booming, and voluntary public fitness activities such as square dancing and aerobics have been widely developed and colorful。The maintenance of stability and security work is solid and effective, highlighting the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers in key areas, key places, and key links of production safety, and the death rate of safety accidents in the city is controlled within the target issued by Linfen City。Maintaining the high-pressure situation of "cracking down on crime and eliminating evil", the incidence rate of criminal and public security cases decreased throughout the year, and the number of days of zero cases broke through60天。Strengthen social, public and public sentiment feedback, deployment and developmentThe "100 days double 100 cases" special management, a number of key petition cases have been centrally resolved and closed。New achievements have been made in double support, civil air defence, archives, meteorology, family planning, ageing, disabled persons' federations, ethnic and religious affairs, and earthquake prevention and disaster reduction。

-- Improving the integrity of the atmosphere and enforcing discipline。Taking the opportunity of carrying out mass line education and practice activities, we further strengthened the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of serving the people, being pragmatic and clean, and seriously remedied the government systemThe "four winds" highlighted problems, seriously investigated and dealt with prominent problems that violated the interests of the people, concentrated on solving 72 practical problems related to the vital interests of the people, and formed 56 systems and mechanisms to ensure the normalization and long-term development of style construction。Especially in the severe situation of systemic and corrupt problems in the province, we earnestly deployed and carried out learning, discussion and implementation activities to strictly implement the construction of clean government"Two responsibilities" and "one post and two responsibilities",We will look for prominent problems in key areas that are prone to corruption and power rent-seeking, prominent problems in social and people's livelihood areas that are strongly reflected by the public, and prominent problems in key links such as resource allocation, project bidding, government procurement, fund allocation, and administrative approval,Actively build "dare not rot, cannot rot,Do not want to rot"The long-term mechanism。全年Investigated and handled all kinds of violations of discipline and regulationsIn 67 cases, 71 people were held accountable, and 52 official reception expenditures were reduced.4%, fuel expenses 9.9%。We will continue to promote the building of a law-based government, firmly establish the concept of "statutory duties must be performed, and not authorized by the law", and effectively strengthen the control of power and the management of law enforcement targets.We conscientiously accept the legal oversight of the People's Congress and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and earnestly handle the suggestions of deputies and proposals of members157, promoting the government's work on the track of law-based, standardized and efficient operation。

Fellow Deputies, over the past year,The city's economic and social catch-up and bright spots appear frequently, which is mainly due to our earnest implementation of the central, provincial and Linfen decision-making deployment, timely grasp and adapt to the characteristics and requirements of the new normal economy;Thanks to our in-depth implementation"Three-three" strategy,We vigorously advanced 100 projects,Persist in seeking breakthroughs in transformation and development and break out a new road;It is also thanks to our commitment to diversified development,We will promote upgrading of dominant industries,It shows the stability and superiority of the industrial structure.More benefit from the city's ups and downs together, forge ahead,It has gathered a huge force to enrich the people and strengthen the city。Here, on behalf of the municipal People's Government, I would like to express my high respect and heartfelt thanks to all departments at all levels and the broad masses of cadres and people from all walks of life who have always cared for and supported the economic and social development of our city!

While affirming the achievement,We are also well aware,The industrial foundation of our city is still weak,The slow adjustment of economic structure and product structure and the difficulty of project landing are prominent problems,The task of promoting industrial transformation and upgrading and sustainable economic growth is arduous.The construction of rural infrastructure, the transfer of labor force, and the increase of farmers' income are still facing a lot of pressure,The overall coordination between urban and rural areas needs to be further strengthened.The foundation for production safety is not solid enough, and the implementation of rectification is not in place,There are weak links in maintaining stability and security;The ability to build the government's administrative efficiency, control the risk of clean government and serve the people,All need to be further strengthened,In particular, there is a growing reluctance to act and a fear of responsibility。All these need us to attach great importance to, take effective measures to effectively improve。

二、Overall requirements and development goals for 2015

This year is a key year for comprehensively deepening reform and a year for comprehensively promoting the rule of lawThe closing year of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" is also an important year for our city to deeply implement the "three-three" strategy, accelerate the transformation and upgrading to adapt to the new normal, and further improve the position in Linfen and even the whole province。To do our work well this year is of great significance。The general requirements for government work are:以习近平总书记系列重要讲话为统领,紧紧围绕中央"Four comprehensives" strategic layout,According to the province's "six major developments", Linfen "Year of Quality and efficiency improvement" activities and the overall deployment of the sixth plenary session of the tenth session of the Municipal Party Committee,We will continue to deepen the implementation of the 100 projects,We will promote industrial transformation,We will strengthen the driving force for development,We worked hard to ensure and improve people's wellbeing,We will make every effort to promote the rule of law, peace and civilization in Houma,Strive to realize the "three three" strategy and enrich the people and strengthen the new breakthrough。

Based on the city situation and development needs, the city's economic and social development this year主要Expected goal是:With the target requirements issued by Linfen City as the bottom limit, the growth of the city's regional GDP is not less than6%;The growth rate of industrial added value above designated size shall not be less than 7%;Investment in fixed assets will increase by no less than 16%.The total retail sales of consumer goods shall increase by no less than 10%;General budget revenue growth of not less than 6%;The total fiscal revenue will strive to exceed the 1 billion yuan mark,An increase of 15%;The disposable income of urban and rural residents rose by 8% and 9% respectively.The rise in consumer prices will be kept within 3%。

Binding targetYes: Overall energy consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP fell4.29%, sulfur dioxide decreased by 3.77%, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia nitrogen, nitrogen oxide emission reduction andThe decrease rate of water consumption of 10,000 yuan industrial added value reached the requirements of Linfen City。

Fellow deputies, although the downward pressure on the economy is still serious this year, Houma needs faster development and the people have higher expectations for a better life。We are confident to continue to maintain our city's established pace of development and coordination of adjustments from the province"One core, one circle, three groups" and Linfen to create a higher level of "Houma metropolitan area", further expand the development space, tap the development potential, seek progress in stability, progress in promising, to achieve quality, efficient, sustainable development, Houma things to do better!

3. Accelerating transformation and upgrading in response to the new Normal

Based on solving development problems, the new provincial Party Committee and the provincial government have made progressThe "six major developments", the cultivation of "seven major industries" and the implementation of "three breakthroughs" are systematic and strategic decisions。In accordance with this requirement, we must unswervingly deepen and enhance the "three three" strategy, and strive to create an "upgraded version" of the city's industry.。

Firmly grasp the main direction of industrial transformation。We will intensify efforts to optimize and upgrade traditional industries。We will encourage and guide key industries such as smelting, casting, commercial markets, and processing of agricultural products,Actively adapt to the national policy orientation and market development needs,We will speed up technological upgrading and product restructuring,We will vigorously carry out information-based, integrated and circular operations,We will continue to promote the extension of upstream industries to downstream industries, the conversion of low-end products to high-end products, and the upgrading of traditional marketing to modern marketing。We will focus on expanding and strengthening leading industries。Promote the development of the equipment manufacturing industry to the direction of cluster, park, specialization and brand, accelerate the creation of coal mining machinery, auto parts, rail transit parts, oil drilling tools, communication cable and military manufacturing six sectors, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in the formation of engine assembly and automobile assembly capabilities。Especially for the development of trade and processing industry, we must insist on the determination to seize the day and the perseverance of a long time"Grasp the leader, promote the drive, cultivate the environment, and start fast" will not waver, and strive to improve the tilt of factors, project landing and growth support mechanism, accelerate the development of industrial scale, clustering, and branding, and form a strong support for the transformation of the commercial economy。We will actively foster emerging industries。Fully tap the advantages and potential of the two major industries of medicine and food, strive to expand cooperation space, build development platforms, and promote relevant enterprises to get on the track of doing fine and excellent and rapid development as soon as possible。Encourage the introduction of new energy and new material enterprises to form an industrial latecomer advantage。We will accelerate the development of modern service industries。Integrate regional resources, focus on supporting the development of warehousing and logistics industry, financial services industry, real estate and e-commerce industry, and truly transform the city's regional transportation advantages, port policy advantages, livable environmental advantages, and the city's dense advantages of people flow, logistics, capital flow and information flow into economic development advantages。以Relying on the "Jin Culture" brand, the development of cultural tourism as an important breakthrough in industrial transformation and upgrading, vigorously promote the deep integration of culture and tourism, and promote the development of a number of carriers with some points of interest, so as to fill the shortcomings of our city's development and create new highlights of development。

We will continue to deepen the implementation of 100 projects。We will continue to treat project construction as a powerful engine for steady growth, a major driver of structural adjustment, and an important vehicle for improving people's lives. We will maintain the intensity of investment and the intensity of work。Further strengthen"Six in one" mechanism。Focusing on the six major areas of industry, commerce and trade, agriculture, cultural tourism, infrastructure and people's livelihood, we will continue to implement 100 projects, comprehensively promote the reserve, signing, landing, commencement, construction and production of projects, and ensure the completion of project reserves170 billion yuan, signed 13 billion yuan, landed 6.3 billion yuan, started 5.5 billion yuan, construction 4 billion yuan, put into production 5.3 billion yuan, the year's fixed asset investment reached 8 billion yuan。Further highlight the focus of the project。Focus on big projects,Projects with strong driving force and large influence,We will make every effort to do a good job in the Beitong Copper Industrial Park, Jianbang Coal Chemical Industrial Park, Pingyang Heavy Industry Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park, Hongsheng Shoe Processing Park, Houyun Logistics Park, Red Star Macalline International Business Center, Dongcheng New District sports and sports center, International Cultural City, North Ring Road West extension and new hospital and other ten projects。Further improve the project promotion measures。The implementation of municipal management leadership and joint leadershipThe dual-package dual-connection mechanism,Define the timetable and roadmap for project advancement,Strengthen coordinated assistance, project ledger, progress assessment and accountability;Surrounding the new project land expropriation demolition, renewal project procedures perfect, attracting projects landing approval and other constraints,Increase the pre-project prediction and functional transformation, proactive service, and environmental optimization efforts,Solve project construction problems effectively;Effectively strengthen the main responsibility of the project unit,Mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the project unit,Work together to ensure the orderly progress of the project。

We will promote steady growth of the industrial economy。坚持The work idea of "two parks, one revitalization" highlights the "three strengthening"。First, we will strengthen support for industrial parks。The innovation park focuses on improving the level of resource utilization, increasing project attraction and enterprise integration, and promoting the effective use of idle land and idle production lines。Accelerate the adjustment of enterprise product structure, and actively build Jianbang high-end cast iron and HSBC new building materials base。The eco-park continues to focus on the four leading industries of equipment manufacturing, clean energy, biochemical medicine and cultural tourism, accelerate the development of the sector economy, and achieve the upgrading of the park。The two parks should further improve the industrial planning and spatial layout planning, realize the organic connection with the overall urban planning, land use planning, environmental protection planning, water resources protection planning, and constantly improve the road, power supply, drainage, communication and other infrastructure functions, to create favorable conditions for the implementation of projects。Second, we will strengthen project coordination。Stick to the big, not the small,At the same time of accelerating the advance work of Beitong copper industry, Jianbang coal chemical Industry, Pingyang Heavy Industry high-end equipment manufacturing park,Continue to grasp the progress of Shuanghui glass deep processing, Dongxin casting, Jinfeng machinery technical improvement, Putian Falsheng expansion, and coal thermoelectric railway special line,Ensure project completion and production。Actively promote the land and procedures of the attracting projects such as Zhongshuo Titanium Industry and North Chuangxin waterproof materials to ensure that the project will be started as soon as possible。Strengthen internal connection and external introduction, promote the cooperation between Wanglong Pharmaceutical and Shanxi new energy, and create a new development platform for the pharmaceutical industry;Accelerate the pace of investment attraction of Zhentong medical equipment, Tangrong auto parts, Yinkang casting and other enterprises, and promote the formation of new growth points of industrial economy。Third, we will strengthen operational assistance。Comprehensively implement the national streamlining of administration and delegating power and a series of burden reduction in the province and Linfen City措施To ensure the stable operation of the enterprise。We will provide precise and precise assistance, and do everything possible to help key enterprises open up markets, release production capacity, reduce costs, and improve efficiency。Strengthen the responsibility mechanism of package production and package performance, and effectively solve the practical difficulties encountered by new projects in terms of electricity consumption, limited production, and certification。We will earnestly implement the closed management system for enterprises, strictly investigate and punish disorderly inspections and disorderly punishments, and effectively provide a relaxed environment for the development of enterprises。

We will accelerate the transformation of the commercial economy。强化"Five efforts" to strengthen the development of trade and processing industry。一是Focus on demonstration to attract。Jinjiang in Fujian Province, Yiwu in Zhejiang Province, Haicheng in Liaoning Province and other developed areas of trade and processing industry,It is linked by existing backbone enterprises, market organizers, large operators and five parks,Carry out targeted investment promotion and precise investment promotion,Actively attract processing teams and brand enterprises,Promote a number of processing enterprises with initial cooperation intention to settle down as soon as possible。The second is to focus on the implementation of the project。To further provide factor guarantee, accelerate the pace of land expropriation, demolition and construction of Hongsheng shoe processing Park and the construction of five supporting parks;Based on the light industry city and the emerging textile city, the implementation has been completed5"Front shop after factory" transformation, as soon as possible to solve the bottleneck constraints of insufficient processing sites and storage facilities。Third, focus on financing assistance。Actively build a "green channel" for financing commercial processing enterprises, further do live mortgage guarantees, do excellent credit services, and make "help guarantee loans", and strive to break through 50 million yuan in the flow of commercial processing enterprises in the city。Fourth, focus on employment training。Focusing on the characteristics of trade and processing industry, we actively innovate training methods, improve traditional technical schools and classroom models, vigorously promote enterprise training, workshop training, and on-the-job training, forming a "point-to-point" docking, and truly provide practical operators urgently needed by enterprises。Fifth, focus on building echelons。With "5115" as the goal, the implementation of a full range of help and cultivation, to promote Hongsheng footwear industry,Purple Tianyu clothing, Yafeng clothing, Junwei clothing, Qiao Mei clothing and so onThe output value of 5 enterprises exceeds 10 million yuan,Ma Zhuang quilt, Jin Wolf coarse cloth, etcThe output value of 10 enterprises is 5 million yuan, forming the first phalanx of processing enterprises, and driving 100 new processing households。We will continue to transform and upgrade traditional markets。Comprehensively accelerate the progress of the three major business areas under construction market projects, pay close attention to the launch of Houyun bus station commercial complex project development, and do a good job in the total investment2.The preliminary work of 800 million yuan Wansheng Furniture Square project。Actively guide the major markets, shopping malls, business owners to innovate, set up a network platform, carry out online marketing, and achieve the upgrade of the business model。We will accelerate the development of the warehousing and logistics industry。Give full play to the facility resources and policy advantages of the strategic bonded logistics center, actively expand the construction of railway, sea-rail combined transport, processing trade and foreign goods supermarket street, and pay close attention to the declaration of the national comprehensive bonded zone。Promote the construction of Houyun Logistics Park project, improve the specialization and information level of logistics bases such as Light Industry City, Putian household appliances, and Tongsheng Medicine, and strive to build a logistics service system with a wider radiation range and a higher degree of modernization。Strengthen the standardized management of retail logistics, pay close attention to the planning and construction of logistics parks around urban areas, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the logistics industry。We will actively encourage the development of e-commerce。Continue to support the development of e-commerce of the two major brands, and promote the construction of professional e-commerce marketing platforms such as featured agricultural products, folk art, commercial processing products and cross-border transactions。抓住"Thousands of counties and villages" e-commerce network construction opportunities, and strive to become the province's pilot counties and cities。Strengthen the connection with the International E-commerce Center of the Ministry of Commerce, and actively attract national e-commerce platforms to settle in our city。Accelerate the establishment of e-commerce industrial parks。Strengthen the introduction of high-end e-commerce talents and practical operation training to provide support for the development of e-commerce industry。

We will accelerate the development of modern agriculture。Adhere to the development of characteristics, high efficiency, urban agriculture as the main line, land transfer as the starting point, implementationThe "four major projects" promoted the transformation and upgrading of the rural economy。

First, the reform support project。We will fully implement all state policies that benefit agriculture and ensure that funds for agriculture-related subsidies and subsidies are provided in full and in a timely manner。Accelerate the work of land ownership registration and certification, and strive to complete more than half of the tasks of land ownership registration。Earnestly deploy and carry outRural collectiveThe "three capital" management special rectification, promote the development of rural collective economy, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of farmers。We will carry out land transfer in a solid and orderly manner.We will focus on professional cooperatives, major growers and business professionals, and give priority to cultivating and building a number of large-scale modern agricultural parks, professional cooperatives and family farms, so as to increase farmers' asset and wage income。We will guide and encourage decentralized rural specialized cooperatives,Establish a unified agricultural cooperative alliance in the city,We will strengthen the strength of agricultural operations and services,Effectively solve the technical, capital, credit, processing, sales, storage, transportation and information problems encountered in the market competition of agricultural products in our city,Strive to win more agricultural products for the farmers。

The second is the strong foundation and stable production project。On the premise of stabilizing grain production, we will comprehensively strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure and improve the mode of agricultural development。扎实We will promote the national key county project for small farmers and water, and complete the two major districts of Gao Cun and Shangma3.60,000 mu of water-saving facilities renovation tasks。Actively strive for the Yellow River diversion project supporting facilities projects to improve irrigation and water supply capacity from the source。We will continue to upgrade medium - and low-yield farmland, optimize the structure of agricultural machinery and equipment, strengthen scientific and technological support, and effectively improve productionThe introduction, testing, demonstration and extension of varieties and new technologies to promote agricultural high yield and increase income。

Third, the high-quality agricultural development project。Broaden the ideas of agricultural development, focus on urban agriculture, high-quality agriculture, and characteristic agricultureOur city has become a demonstration and influential high-quality agricultural products display, promotion, procurement, distribution base。To meet the diversified and personalized needs of the market as a starting point, further optimize the agricultural structure, and continue to expandThe planting scale of vegetables, high-quality fruits, Chinese medicinal materials and edible fungi, and strive to break through the city's characteristic planting area5万亩。We will accelerate the construction of agricultural standardization, and comprehensively promote the upgrading of the ten major planting parks and ten breeding parks。Continue to do a good job in the creation of "one village, one product", and then cultivate a number of provincial or Linfen municipal demonstration villages。

Fourth, industrial rich farmer projects。Adhere to the path of industrialization development, focusing on leading enterprises, accelerate the development of Zhongtiao Linyuan photovoltaic greenhouses, Haizhou biological series products, Maozhou cattle breeding base, Fangyuan farming facilities expansion, and Hongman sheep breeding ecological cycleProject construction, to ensure that the city's agricultural industrialization management scale breakthrough5亿元。Encourage the promotion of the model of "enterprises plus bases, bases connected to farmers, and farmers' re-employment", and promote the joint development and benefit sharing of leading enterprises and base farmers。In particular, we should give full play to the advantages of the close connection between urban and rural areas and the upside down population of our city,Grafting the technical and variety advantages of scientific research institutes such as fruit tree Institute of the provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences,We will integrate and use funds for supporting farmers,We will accelerate the development of rural tourism,Highlight the creation of a number of planting, picking, tourism, leisure in one of the agricultural complex,To open up new channels for farmers to increase their incomes。

We will comprehensively implement reform and innovation-driven policies。To comprehensive reform pilot zone construction as the lead, overall planning推进The "5511" annual action plan focuses on improving the mechanism for promoting the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and strives to achieve breakthrough results in achieving equal access to basic public services in urban and rural areas。We will deepen reform of the administrative examination and approval system。按照According to the requirements of the "six powers to cure the root cause", we should prepare a list of powers, a negative list and a list of responsibilities, build a good government service platform and a platform for trading public resources, implement the "two centralization and two positions", and deepen the streamlining of administration, delegating power, and combining regulation。Conscientiously do a good job of docking the national and provincial cancellation and decentralization of administrative approval matters, further streamline the internal review and approval process, implement the dynamic supervision of the approval link, and strive to take the lead in Linfen City to achieve the goal of "the most stringent supervision, the least approval, the latest model, the best mechanism, the highest efficiency, and the best environment"。We will intensify reforms in key areas。We will earnestly implement the new Budget Law, improve the government budget system, and bring all government revenues and expenditures under budgetary management。We will strengthen performance management of public finance and standardize the management of government debt。We will vigorously reduce general government spending and ensure spending on key areas and people's livelihood。We will actively promote the reform of government institutions and promote the transformation of government functions。The business registration system was launched in a timely mannerThe reform of "three certificates in one" will facilitate the establishment, growth and development of enterprises, improve the support mechanism, and promote entrepreneurship and mass innovation。We will accelerate financial innovation。We will strengthen the connection between government, banks and enterprises, and strengthen the mechanism for financial institutions to assess, reward and punish credit in the real economy。We actively supported the development of rural commercial banksWe will foster and strengthen capital markets such as insurance, securities and microfinance, strictly prevent and control illegal fund-raising, debt evasion and cancellation, and promote the comprehensive and healthy development of the financial services industry。Summarize and promote the successful experience of Tongsheng Natural Gas Company listed on the "New Third Board", and promote more qualified small and medium-sized enterprises in the city to broaden financing channels and enter the standardized and rapid development track。High starting point, high standard preparationThe 13th Five-Year Plan。Firmly graspThe new characteristics and new requirements of the new normal of the economy, based on the national industrial policy guidance and a series of strategic layouts of the province and Linfen City, closely linked to the promotion of our city"Three three" development goals, and strive to develop a development blueprint that fully reflects the will of the people of the city。

Fourth, we made solid progress in improving people's wellbeing

We will further develop a livable urban environment。Highlight the carrier function and leading role of the city, effectively improve the regional comprehensive competitiveness of the city, and accelerate the construction"Big Houma" pattern。Strengthen planning control。Adhere to the overall urban planning as the leading, further improve the urban planning system, complete the central city, Tiexi district control detailed planning, comprehensive planning of underground pipe network, urban village transformation plan, kindergarten special layout plan;We will intensify inspections of planning law enforcement and maintain the authority and seriousness of planning。We will accelerate the upgrading of urban functions。Actively promote the construction of Dongcheng Park and cultural and sports activities center, and accelerate the development of Dongcheng New Area and high-speed railway New area;Step up implementationThe second phase of National Highway 108, the transformation of Huanghanhou Railway overpass,Houfeng line transformation, cityThe North Ring Road extends west, the south extension of Hehuan Street, the north extension of Haijun Street and other road facilities projects, actively strive forThe reconstruction project of the east line of 108 National Highway around the city was initiated,Construct the circulation network of traffic inside and outside the city;We will continue to implement power grid upgrading projects in Xintian Road, Zhangcun Office and Gaocun Township,Continuously improve urban and rural power supply security capacity;Adhere to the "above and below ground" equal emphasis,We will accelerate the construction of urban drainage networks,Effectively solve the drainage problems of ecological park, high-speed railway plaza, Xingang shopping mall and other sections;We will promptly carry out planning for the renovation of urban water supply networks,Strive for implementation,We will completely solve the bottleneck of inadequate urban water supply。We will vigorously promote ecological development。Pure water and green mountains are better than golden mountains and silver mountains。It is necessary to regard the ecological environment as the most inclusive people's livelihood, as the embodiment of urban competitiveness, to succeed in creating health as a new starting point and new driving force, highlight the positioning of ecological construction, and accelerate the implementation of the Zijinshan afforestation projectTo be completed this year5000 acres of mission。To promote the ecological management of the Huihe river comprehensively and strive for the obvious improvement of water quality and environment of both sides of the Huihe River in the shortest time。We should attach equal importance to construction and protection, strengthen environmental supervision, strictly investigate pollution discharge, and do our utmost to protect our grass and trees and protect our clear water and blue sky。

We will accelerate efforts to improve rural living environments。We made solid progress in rural infrastructureImprove the four major projects of quality improvement, farmers' housing, environmental improvement and livable demonstration, highlight the creation of beautiful livable demonstration villages, and focus on the planning of Beiwang Village provincial demonstration, Xipingwang and Guocun municipal demonstration sites in Linfen;Accelerate progress"The two districts are built together", and the pilot work of Shidian and Nanbao Village should be started promptly;Increase urban and rural overall efforts, and strive to promote the full coverage of urban tap water, rural garbage treatment, rural sewage treatment and village greening projects, and strive to achieve a substantial improvement of the village appearance and environment in 1/3 of the city's villages。

We will develop social programs in a balanced manner。We will increase government spending to ensure that all of the additional funds are used to improve people's lives。继续We will promote balanced development of education。To further improve the conditions for running schools in rural areasThe transformation and upgrading of 10 weak schools。Optimize the construction layout of urban and rural kindergartens, and effectively alleviate the "difficulty in entering kindergartens"全市Strive to achieve the preschool enrollment rate83%。We will fully implement all state policies on compulsory education, constantly raise the level of education and teaching, improve teachers' ethics and ethics, and create a group of famous teachers, famous schools and famous principals。Conscientiously do a good job in the connection of the reform of the enrollment system, and steadily improve the score of the college entrance examination。We will run special education, vocational education, adult education and universities for the elderly well, so that different groups in the city and at different ages can enjoy good educational resources。Medical and health services have been continuously improved。We will comprehensively strengthen the management of medical and health care institutions at the city, township and village levels, improve the system of basic drugs, and advance the comprehensive reform of tiered diagnosis and treatment and municipal public hospitals。Accelerate the improvement of medical conditions, actively expand financing channels and cooperation models, promote the construction of new hospitals, and strive to put into use as soon as possible。Encourage social hospitals and promote the implementation of the Tongsheng Group hospital project as soon as possible。We will earnestly implement the policy of equalizing public medical services and achieve the goal of expanding coverage and improving quality。We will increase the reimbursement rate for the new rural cooperative medical care system, and increase the per capita funding standard60元。We will continue to improve the quality of the population。We will effectively provide employment assistance。We will fully implement all preferential policies issued by the state and provinces to encourage employmentPolicies, give full play to the role of business markets, labor-intensive enterprises, small and micro enterprises and other platforms, and strive to maintain the stability of the city's employment situation under the economic downturn。Strive to create new jobs throughout the year1.20,000, and the registered urban unemployment rate will be kept at 3.5%以内。We will further improve the social security system。We will do a solid job in expanding insurance coverage, providing urban and rural subsistence allowances, providing medical treatment for serious diseases, and providing assistance to families with special difficulties. We will promptly implement the mechanism for regular adjustment and increase of basic salaries for financial dependents, and implement parallel job and rank arrangements for government servantsThe reform of the system, the pension insurance of government organs and public institutions, and the cash payment of one ton of winter heating coal per rural householdNew policy规定。We will focus on solving the problem of aging, encourage rural areas, communities and social forces to invest in old-age services, and promote the construction of the Nanxi ZhuangKangjian Nursing Home and five rural day care centers。Flourish cultural undertakings。Dig deep"Jin Culture" brand resources, accelerate the preparation of the Jin ancient City site park construction plan, organize the Houma Mengshu national calligraphy art exhibition, build the Jin Garden Culture City, start the construction of Chinese opera Garden。We will continue to carry out activities to send dramas and films to rural areas, enrich corporate, campus, community and rural cultures, and promote national fitness。We will actively work on ethnic and religious issues, support for the armed forces and families, women and children, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs, earthquakes, civil air defense, meteorology, archives, and the disabled to promote all-round social progress。

Focus on the following eight practical tasks:一是Heat supply covering project,New central heating area1 million square meters, complete the basic coverage of urban built-up areas;二是Gas covering project,新增Five villages have access to natural gas, providing gas for 3,000 households;三是Urban and rural elderly service project,建设Five day care centers and social welfare centers for the elderly in rural areas were completed and put into operation;四是National fitness project,新增16 community fitness venues to achieve full coverage of urban community fitness outlets;五是Urban and rural network speed up project,The first half of the city to complete the network10 trillion optical fiber renovation work to achieve full coverage of urban and rural optical fiber;六是Digital television network renovation project,Upgrade and expand digital TV30,000 households, to achieve full coverage of the city's digital TV network renovation;七是Free health examination project for the elderly,For the countrysideFree medical examination for the elderly over 60 and the elderly aged 65 in urban areas;八是Social security coverage project,Medical insurance coverage for urban and rural residents has reached97%以上。

5. Make every effort to promote the rule of law, peace and civilization in Houma

The construction of rule of law, peace and civilization Houma is the focus of the Municipal Party CommitteeThe "four comprehensive" strategic layout, based on the new stage of reform and development of our city, new goals and new requirements, issued a new order to the city, is also a powerful measure to maintain social fairness and justice, optimize the development environment, and ensure the smooth advancement of the "three three" strategy。The whole city should further gather consensus, form joint forces, clear tasks, and promote the whole, and constantly create a new situation of clean, safe and civilized, and social harmony in our city。

Make every effort to promote the establishment of peace。What the broad masses of the people expect"No thieves, no grievances, no complaints" as the goal, continue to carry out in-depth special struggle to fight against evil, and always maintain a high pressure situation against all kinds of illegal criminals。We will attach great importance to the grave situation of counter-terrorism, strengthen the anti-explosion force of special police, eradicate all kinds of cults and extremist religious forces in a timely manner, and deal with emergencies quickly and efficiently。We will actively make innovations in the comprehensive governance mechanism for public security, and comprehensively establish a joint prevention and governance system that runs from the border to the border and from the vertical to the end。We will establish and improve a mediation system in multiple areas and key industries, focusing on strengthening early and small efforts, and effectively preventing and resolving disputes。We will vigorously carry out publicity to popularize the law and cultivate the awareness of the rule of law among the people。Deepen the grassroots safety creation activities, and lay a solid foundation for social harmony and stability。

We will effectively strengthen production safety。Firmly establish a bottom-line thinking of safety, and resolutely overcome lax thinking and lucky thinking压实Departmental supervision and corporate responsibility。Focus on the business market, organize and carry outThe "Year of Market Fire Safety Regulation" activity promotes the fundamental improvement of market safety conditions。We will intensify efforts to investigate and rectify hidden hazards in production safety, comprehensively strengthen safety management in key areas and weak links such as road traffic, transportation of hazardous chemicals, densely populated places, construction, urban gas, special equipment, food and drugs, and strive to reduce general accidents and prevent major and major accidents。

We will comprehensively promote cultural and ethical progress。With the goal of creating a national civilized city, we will vigorously cultivate and practice socialist core values and vigorously inherit themThe Xintian civilization of "thick soil and deep water and people follow the education" vigorously promotes the rule of law thought and noble morality of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Peng Zhen, vigorously advocates the Houma spirit of "confidence and harmony, beauty and progress", fully integrates advanced culture, and stimulates the positive energy of The Times。We will carry out activities to change customs and customs, break superstition, and uphold science. We will promote the establishment of grassroots civilizations in government offices, service Windows, markets, stores, campuses, and rural areas, and strive to create a new style of social civilization。Attach importance to the carrier role of "moral lecture hall" and "good deeds list", and actively build a team of volunteers who love public welfare and are willing to contribute。We will popularize and strengthen education in civic ethics, family virtues, professional ethics, social ethics and individual morality, and constantly raise the people's moral and ethical standards to a new level。

We made solid progress in improving the government itself。以建设法治政府、廉洁政府和服务型政府为目标,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神,认真开展The "Three stricts and three realities" thematic education focuses on promoting the "six powers to root the problem", ensuring that the functions and powers are legal, the powers and responsibilities are consistent, the exercise of power is in accordance with the law, decision-making and management are scientific and democratic, the exercise of power is supervised effectively, and accountability is strictly in place。All government departments should take the lead in upholding rules and observing discipline, always respecting the Constitution and laws, consciously accepting the legal oversight of the NPC and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, and setting an example of abiding by the law and acting in accordance with the law。We will continue to improve our work style, fight corruption and uphold integrity,Strictly consolidate "two responsibilities" and "one post and two responsibilities",We will earnestly implement the eight-point regulations of the Central Committee,Continuous rectification of the "four winds",We will carry out special campaigns in key areas and key links,We will seriously investigate and punish corruption that occurs near the people,We will carry out special measures to focus on addressing people's complaints and petitions。Departments at all levels should focus on streamlining administration and delegating power, use power to slim down, strengthen integrity, tighten institutional fences, resolutely eliminate the space for rent-seeking, and strive to eliminate the soil for corruption。We will speed up the transformation of government functions, enhance the ability to serve enterprises and the people, and strive to solve the problem of "the last mile" of serving the people。All government workers must take responsibility,Good deed,Take the initiative to take on the historical tasks assigned by the organization,Fulfill the sacred duties entrusted by the people,In front of the work do not shirk, do not avoid,In the face of difficulties do not fear, do not escape,Fulfill their duties faithfully and do solid work,We will carry out all undertakings of reform and development well,We will do things that concern the vital interests of the people well,Live up to the expectations of the whole city。

Fellow Deputies,The new normal brings new challenges and new hopes。Under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee, let us seize the opportunity, strive to forge ahead, and actively lead the new normal, in order to fully complete the goals and tasks of this year, and create a new situation of clean and clean, rich and strong city"Three three" development of "Hou Ma dream" and work hard!


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