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The Government Work Report for 2021

2021-04-22 Source: Houma City Government Office

Report on government work


——17th People's Congress in Houma on April 20, 2021

At the first meeting

Mayor of the People's Government of Houma    Huang Xiaojun

Fellow Deputies,

Now, on behalf of the Municipal People's Government, I would like to present my work report to the General Assembly for your deliberation and approval。

I. Review of the work of the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

The "13th Five-Year Plan" period is an extraordinary five years of economic and social development in our city。Faced with a series of opportunities and challenges brought by the new normal of the economy, inLinfen Municipal Party Committee, municipal government andUnder the strong leadership of the municipal committee,全市上下始终以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为根本遵循,Firmly grasp the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability and the main line of high-quality development,In-depth implementation of industrial agglomeration, urban and rural co-construction, cultural rise, environmental improvement, improvement of people's livelihood five major strategy,Work hard to lay the foundation for long-term development and build up momentum,The victory has written Houma's answer to building a well-off society in an all-round way。

Five years, comprehensive strengthSignificantly raise升。Gross regional product fromAt the end of the 12th Five-Year Plan88.900 million yuan raised to 120.800 million yuan, an annual increase of 5.3%;Industrial added value above scale from 13.100 million yuan to 1.7 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 3.5%;Revenue in the general public budget was raised from 400 million yuan to 500 million yuan.29100 million yuan, an annual increase of 5.2%;The per capita disposable income of urban residents rose from 24,500 yuan to 33,029 yuan, with an average annual growth of 6.2%;The per capita disposable income of rural residents increased from 12,538 yuan to 17,431 yuan, with an average annual growth of 6.9%。Our city has been rated as the top 100 cities with the most investment potential in the country for two consecutive years, and the top 100 cities with the quality of new urbanization in the country for three consecutive years。

Five years, the pace of transformationFirm and powerfulFirmly establish the "project is king" concept, rolling implementation"转型Project Building Year159 projects were attracted其中,72 projects were completed and put into operation累计投资136.5亿元46个项目Ground start累计投资270.6亿元固定资产Total investment持续Maintain double-digit growth。The two leading industries of equipment manufacturing and new building materials are growing strongly, and a "2+N" modern industrial system is taking shape。The transformation of old and new growth drivers was accelerated, and the added value of strategic emerging industries grew by 16 percent.3%。The new service industry is growing rapidly, e-commerce is deeply integrated, and our city has been rated as the national e-commerce demonstration hundred best county for three consecutive years。

For five years,发展活力Full releaseThe "three systems" reform of the development zone was further promoted.“一区The development pattern of "Three parks" has initially taken shape, urban integration has reached a new height, and the development level has ranked the "first phalanx" in the province for two consecutive years.。In-depth promotionNational new urbanization and comprehensive reform of the service sectorGovernment service standardizationNational levelAnd direct financial management, multiple regulations and so onProvincial-level reform pilot建设The superimposed effect of policies has initially emerged。Steady progress was made in the reform of state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets, and the "three supply and one industry" were comprehensively transferred and transformed。The reform of "discharge management and service efficiency" continued to exert strength, and the reform of the commitment system of enterprise investment projects "21221" service mechanism was promoted in the province as the "Houma model"。The establishment of comprehensive protection zones has entered the national approval level, and the China-Europe Express trains and the Rail-Sea Express line have been launched on a regular basis。Successfully held the "Jinshan-Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle" private economic forumChina Darts Open,Regional or national economic and cultural exchange activities such as the promotion conference of "Searching for Roots and Three Jin" for overseas Chinese,Establish a friendly and cooperative exchange mechanism with Walnut City of the United States,侯马Popularity and influenceContinuously expand and improve

Over the past five years, we have made coordinated progress in integrating urban and rural areas。Cumulative investment 3.200 million yuan to accelerate urban construction,The construction of 14 urban main roads, including the west extension of the North Ring Road, the north extension of Haijun Street and Houzhang Street, has been completed,Renovation and upgrading of 21 streets and lanes,The urban "nine vertical and five horizontal" traffic network has been further improved,Total mileage of 106 km;We launched the project to improve the quality of beautiful cities,We will comprehensively promote urban infrastructure construction, such as removing backwater and building green, lighting and beautifying, diverting rain and pollution, upgrading power grids, and building more footpaths,Urban functions and tastes have been significantly improved。After three years of concerted efforts in the city, the cumulative investment of 10.800 million yuan, as scheduledCentralized garbage treatment, domestic sewage pipe network construction, central heating, central gas supply, urban tap water and dry toilet renovationWith the goal of "six full coverage", the city's rural living environment has been historically and fundamentally improved。

In the past five years, there have been three major battlesObvious resultsVictory in the decisive battle against povertyAround the "two do not worry about three guarantees",On the basis of taking the lead in achieving the goal of poverty alleviation in 2017, we have always adhered to the standards and efforts not to reduceIndustry, education, employment, etc精准Poverty alleviation measuresLeading groups at all levels, township office departments, helping enterprises, and village work teams are conscientious,With continuous follow-up assistance, the city's 394 poor households and 758 poor people have comprehensively consolidated and improved their poverty alleviation and qualityPollution controlOvercome difficultiesWith the will and determination of a valiant man, we focused on strengthening source control and scientific prevention and control, and gradually improved the quality of the city's air environment.Breakthrough exit Linfen pour 1, the province pour 10, Fenhe,Section of Huihe RiverThe water quality is fully up to surface waterV类标准。Risk prevention is solid and effective, focusing on key areas such as work safety, social security, petitions and complaints, and financial stability, highlighting and consolidating grass-roots governance, strengthening the investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and promoting the creation of "three-zero" units, so as to ensure the overall security and stability of society。

Over the past five years, people's well-being has continued to improve。We insisted that the government "tighten its belt" and the people "live a good life," and that spending on programs to improve people's lives always accounted for more than 80 percent of total government spending。Investment in education has increased year after year, and the level of education has steadily improved.The results of the middle and college entrance examination ranked at the forefront of Linfen, and successfully passed the national compulsory education balanced county assessment。Integration of medical resources sinks into place,The new People's Hospital was relocated and fully put into operation.The problems of "difficult" and "expensive" medical treatment have been effectively alleviated, and the level of medical and health care of the whole people has been further improved。Promoting employment through entrepreneurship has achieved remarkable results.Cumulative increaseTown office业33178人The registered urban unemployment rate will be kept below 3%。Shared bicycles and shared cars have been put into operation.All buses in the city have been replaced with new energy vehicles,Green travel becomes urban fashion。Jin culture brand resources have been inherited, innovated and deeply explored.连续举办Hou Ma Meng Book "academic discussion and other Jin culture theme activities,New Pu opera modern dramaThe cherry blossoms are in bloomAs the only representative drama of the province to go to Beijing,"Two sections", summer partyA series of cultural activities such as sending plays and movies to the countryside for freeNormal developmentPublic cultural services have been continuously improvedThe people's sense of gain and happiness持续攀升!

Fellow Deputies,2020 is the year of the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, and it is also the year of "handing over the general ledger" to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。This year,We are faced with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19,Always abide by the people first, life first,With resolute, quick and rigorous prevention and control measures,One mind, one mind,It has built a solid defense line of "preventing import from outside and preventing proliferation from inside";All departments at all levels have fulfilled their duty to uphold the motherland,All sectors of society help each other,The angel in White marched retrograde,One heart guarded Houma's side of peace,It shows the great love of the children of Xintian。This year,We coordinated the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic development, and made every effort to promote the resumption of work and production, the city and school, and took the lead in Linfen to realize the resumption of work and production of all enterprises10个The foundation stone was laid for key projects, and the province took the lead in building epidemic protection物资Production base, the first to carry out the "city business alliance president with goods" marketing activities, the first to achieve the main economic indicators to stabilize and rebound, in the crisis into the opportunity to win the initiative for development。This year,We insist on innovation, wade in the road, and firmly aim at六新项目,Advance planning, advance layout,Strong promotion of Zhengda tube started, put into production, and achieved effect in that year, creating the Dekang Yuan Health Industrial Park completed in 50 days, Guanghe new aluminum material completed and put into production in 28 days, and Haiyikang medical protective equipment project7天Put into operation "Houma speed", CITIC electromechanical research and experiment base, Beitong copper concentrate comprehensive recovery, Shanghai Bailian Huaxiang International Fashion Center, Daxi high-speed railway station house expansion, Huihe wetland ecological restoration and management projects started to build, for the realization of high-quality transformation and development savings of strong momentum。This year,We closely focus on people's livelihood aspirations, accelerate the construction of Jindu Square, two public kindergartens and a public primary school, and accelerate the cultural and sports activities center建设进度,Speed up the completion and operation of Xintian Road 1701 project,加快Open the "last mile" of clean heating in rural areasCentral heating projects in the remaining 33 villages and coal-to-electricity projects in six villages have been completedThis year,We strictly fulfilled our responsibility to fully and strictly govern the Party's main body, and earnestly consolidated the educational achievements under the theme of "Never forget our original aspiration and remember our mission".Stand firmCorrect the "four winds" and persevereImprove your style,Continue to promote the government system clean air, business environment continuously optimized, the city ranked first in Linfen City business environment assessment for two consecutive years。This year,We push deeperAdministration according to lawStrengthen audit supervision, consciously accept the legal supervision of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee, take the initiative to accept the democratic supervision of the CPPCC, carefully handle 95 proposals and suggestions of NPC deputies, and 118 proposals of CPPCC members, so that everything has been answered and everything has been implemented。We fully respect the people, trust and rely on them, and continue to expand the channels for openness in government affairs and expand the people's right to know and participate。At the same time, it actively supports national defense mobilization, ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs, women and children, earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, statistics, meteorology, archives, aging, disabled persons' Federations, cultural federations,Local Chronicles,Work on the Red Cross, housing provident fund, and veterans' affairs has promoted all-round progress in social undertakings。

Fellow Deputies,The achievement of these achievements,是我们坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,积极践行习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要指示的结果;是我们紧紧围绕省、市工作大局,Based on Houma reality,Creatively implement the results of provincial and municipal strategic deployment;Is that we closely rely on the strong leadership of the municipal Committee,The results of strong supervision and support of the municipal People's Congress and the Municipal CPPCC;It is the result of our united and leading the city's departments at all levels and the broad masses of cadres and people to overcome difficulties and forge ahead。Here, on behalf of the municipal People's Government, I would like to pay high tribute and express heartfelt thanks to the people of the city, to the deputies to the People's Congress and the members of the CPPCC, to the democratic parties, people's organizations and people from all walks of life!

While affirming the achievement,We are also well aware,The problems of inadequate, unbalanced and uncoordinated development in our city are still prominent;Small economic aggregate,Insufficient available resources,The fundamental face of "eating finance" has not yet been reversed;Not enough innovation,The development of strategic emerging industries needs continuous cultivation.The third industrial structure is not scientific enough,The first production is not fine, the second production is not strong, and the third production is not excellent,The industrial structure needs to be optimized;Environmental protection and people's livelihood still fall short of people's expectations.Some cadres ideology, ability and quality can not fully adapt to the requirements of high quality and high speed development。We must be highly responsible to the Party and the people, attach great importance to these problems, rise up to the difficulties, and take strong measures to effectively solve them。

Second, the main goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan period

The "14th Five-Year Plan" is the first five years to open a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and it is also the key five years for Houma to develop with high quality and high speed and realize the transformation into a prototype。Closely combined with the decision-making and deployment of the 12th Municipal Party Congress, the municipal people's Government organized the preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Houma City and the Outline of the 2035 long-term goals (Draft), which was submitted to the General Assembly for review。

The Outline (draft) puts forward the guiding ideology of the city's economic and social development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period:坚持Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth, and Fifth plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee,深入落实习近平总书记视察山西重要讲话重要指示,Keep in mind the leader's earnest exhortation to "take the lead in wading out a new road in transformation and development",Fully implement the overall ideas and requirements of the provincial Party Committee's "four for four high and two synchronizations" and the "1343" work ideas of the Linfen Municipal Party Committee,Based on the new development stage,Implement a new vision for development,Integrate into the new development pattern,To promote high-quality development as the theme,Take reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force,Its fundamental purpose is to meet the people's ever-growing needs for a better life,Comprehensively strengthen the Party's leadership,Adhere to the system concept,Balance development and security,To build the south of Shanxi regional central city as the lead,Adhere to the "two-wheel drive" of urban construction and industrial upgrading,Implement the "three breakthroughs" of industrial agglomeration, project construction and innovative development,We will pursue the six paths of transforming development, coordinating urban and rural development, cultural prosperity, green development, improving people's livelihood, and social governance.,To build a new Houma with prosperous industry, prosperous people's livelihood, ecological livable and full of vitality。

The Outline (draft) also states that the development goals for the 14th Five-Year Plan period are:The overall economic strength is stronger。The economic growth rate is higher than the national, provincial and Linfen average level, the total regional GDP reached 25 billion yuan, per capita regional GDP maintained in the province and Linfen leading level。Total industrial output value quadrupled to 40 billion yuan, with emerging industries accounting for 50% of total industrial output value and secondary industries accounting for 45% of GDP。Investment in research and development has increased substantially, the level of commercialization of scientific and technological achievements and the contribution of scientific and technological innovation to economic growth have steadily increased, and the overall competitiveness has been significantly enhanced。The modern industrial system is better。The structure of the three industries and the structure of investment, consumption and export will be more coordinated, the secondary industry will be scaled up, and the tertiary industry will be restructured.The secondary and tertiary industries will develop in synergy and integration。Accelerate the pace of agricultural upgrading, to boutique agriculture, urban agriculture, tourism agriculture and other specialized new modern agriculture forward;The industry has achieved quality change, efficiency change, and power change, forming a modern industrial system with multi-point support, key breakthroughs, and multi-level bearing.Modern service industry to accelerate the development of cultural tourism industryNew industries and new forms of business such as the digital economy are growingA logistics channel and network system connecting North China and Guanzhong have basically taken shapeThe position of south Shanxi business hub and modern logistics center is more prominentThe project construction is more vigorous。按照“The industry is important, the foundation is first, the people's livelihood is guaranteed, and the progress is coordinated"ThoughtWe will fully implement 86 industrial projects with a total investment of 170 billion yuan, 37 infrastructure projects with a total investment of 100 billion yuan, and 25 livelihood projects with a total investment of 26 billion yuan, and strive to form a sustainable economyWith a total investment of 300 billion yuan, 148 projects are supported“百千100 million "project construction new pattern, hitTransition chickSolid foundation。The level of regional coordination is higher。The strategy of urban economic development has been deepened, the overall layout of urban and rural land space has been improved, and the capacity for sustainable urban development has been improved不断增强。侯马曲沃The pace of urban development of Xinjiang has accelerated, and the regional driving force and influence have been continuously enhanced。More vitality for opening-up and development。Comprehensive protection areas, customs, ports and other advantages more prominent,The Jin-Shan-Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle regional cooperation has achieved initial results, a multi-level, wide-ranging and all-dimensional regional cooperation mechanism has been established, a number of high-level regional cooperation platforms have been accelerated, new breakthroughs have been made in project attraction, the level and level of open cooperation have been continuously improved, and the city's radiation and driving force have been significantly enhancedIntegrate into the domestic and international double cycle on a larger scale。Green livable environment more beautiful。The effectiveness of environmental governance has been further enhanced, the quality of air, water and land has continued to improve, and the quality of the ecological environment has continued to improve。The efficiency of resource and energy utilization has been greatly improved, energy consumption per unit of GDP and carbon dioxide emissions have continued to decrease, and green ways of production and life have accelerated。People's quality of life is better。Higher quality and fuller employment will be achieved, and the number of years of schooling for the working-age population will steadily increase。Personal income is growing faster than the economy。The public service system has been improved, the level of equality has become higher, the social security system has become more sound, and the people's happiness index has continued to increase。New progress was made in administering cities in accordance with the law, the legal system for ensuring social equity and justice was improved, and a new pattern of community-level social governance in urban and rural areas took shape in the new era。

Fellow Deputies,Looking to the future, the journey will be long,Only struggleWe must grasp the trend and keep pace with The Times.For the development requirements of new concepts and new patterns in the new stage, for the work deployment of the province and Linfen City, jump out of Houma to see Houma, with a higher position and a wider vision, to clarify Houma in the whole乃至Jinshan-henan Yellow River Golden triangleCoordinate positioning in the competitive development, to build the central city of South Shanxi region as a guide, overall promote the high quality and high speed economic and social development。We must seize opportunities and expand our advantages.Firmly grasp Shanxi Province to giveLinfen City provincial sub-central citylocating机遇,Give full play to the basic advantages of the city's equipment manufacturing, modern logistics, biomedicine and other industries,Give full play to the overlapping advantages of development zones and a number of national and provincial pilot projects,Activate customs, bonded dry ports, railway marshalling stations and other export-oriented economic advantages,Take the initiative to attack, precise force,Promote industrial agglomeration, project construction, innovation and development to achieve new breakthroughs,Build a strong support for transformation and leapfrog。We have to optimize the structure, transform the kinetic energy,Adhere to the "do fine first production, strengthen the second production, do excellent third production", promoteTertiary industryInteraction and promotionsecundiparity深度融合Grasp the "six new" development orientation, accelerate the development of the "five major economies", create "seven major industrial clusters", cultivate and strengthen their own "home industry", and gather the new characteristics and new advantages of Houma's economic development。We must紧盯Weak points, make up for shortcomings,Establish the idea of running the city and implement itThe strategic layout of "East to West, South to North,"Make new breakthroughs in the integrated development of urban and rural areas and promote coordinated development among regions;We should increase the vitality of open development, establish and improve all-dimensional regional cooperation mechanisms, and accelerate the completion of a number of high-level regional cooperation platforms.Practice the "two mountains" theory, speed up the "one mountain and two rivers" governance and restoration, and reproduce Houma's green mountains。We must lift our spirits and move forward,Always maintain the sense of crisis of "can't afford to lose", the sense of urgency of "can't sit still", the sense of responsibility of "no retreat", and the sense of mission of "striving for the top", firmly grasp the first priority of development, always maintain the spirit of striving for the first place, and show responsibility and outstanding achievements in high-quality and high-speed development。

Fellow deputies!The blueprint is drawn, the mission is on the shoulders。We must be energetic, pioneering and innovative, the courage to overcome difficulties, the courage to walk in the forefront, dare to put the word first, dry word first, condensing the heart, a long time for work,On the road of transformation and development characteristics, we will make every effort to write a magnificent chapter in the beginning of Houma's modernization!

三、2021 years of work arrangement

2021 is the "14th Five-Year Plan" transformationThe first year of the city is also the beginning of the implementation of the "1236" development idea, and to do a good job this year is of great significance to the overall situation。Comprehensive consideration of all aspects of the city's economic and social development this yearThe main expected objectives are:GDP growth of 8.5%;Increase general public budget revenue by at least 5%;10 per cent growth in fixed asset investment;A 10% increase in total retail sales of consumer goods;The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents will increase by over 8% respectively.All binding targets have been fulfilled to the letter。

The focus is to fully implement the "eight major actions" :

(1) Implement the "innovation-led" action to achieve new internal impetus。Innovation is the primary driving force for development。Win the future,innovative。We will continue to put innovation at the core of the drive, and comprehensively build a first-class innovation ecosystem。

Driving principleIdeological innovation。Further emancipate the mind,We should take the lead in changing our thinking and seeking change and innovation, dare to break the barriers and regulations that restrict innovation, dare to create something out of nothing, create excellence in the middle, and create special characteristics from the top, and effectively enhance the subjective initiative of innovation, creation and excellence。To further broaden our horizons,Adhere to the concept of "big innovation and big development, small innovation and small development, no innovation is difficult to develop", the courage to "self-revolution", with open and innovative thinking, and effectively enhance the capacity to accept new things and learn from new experience。Dare to venture further,Accurately grasp the new development orientation and stage characteristics of our city,Constantly improve learning ability,Enhance innovation capability,Dare to jump up and pick peaches,We will work hard to solve problems such as "new methods will not be used, old methods will not work, hard methods will not be used, and soft methods will not work.,Constantly gather the strength to climb high mountains, large mountains, and wade in dangerous beaches。

Make excellent innovation platform。Accelerate the construction of innovation platforms,依托Development zoneProvincial "double innovation" base,We will accelerate the development of three service platforms for scientific and technological innovation, mass entrepreneurship and finance, and mass entrepreneurship and talent development.Guide enterprises to create provincial and municipal science and technology innovation platforms, and strive to build 2-3 provincial and Linfen municipal enterprise technology centers。Promote the construction of school-enterprise cooperation platforms,Focusing on the efficient docking of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, we will encourage and support advantageous backbone enterprises and universities,Research institutes carry out school-enterprise cooperationWe will deepen the integration of industry, universities and research institutes for win-win cooperation。Establish a science and technology resource sharing platform,Actively integrate existing instruments and equipment, scientific data, software programs, inspection and testing technologiesResources, coordinated construction of science and technology collaborative innovation platform, and promote the maximum utilization of science and technology resources。

Stimulate innovation。Strive to enhance the technological innovation capability of enterprises,Actively guide enterprises to continue to increase research and development investment, promote enterprises to increase the research and development of new products, new technologies, new processes, and gradually realize the quantitative change of enterprise research and development from qualitative change, constantly improve the gold content of products, green content, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises。We will accelerate the upgrading of traditional technologies.Use market mechanisms to gather innovation resources, encourage traditional industries such as casting, metallurgy and smelting to carry out collaborative innovation, optimize production processes, accelerate technology transformation, improve product added value, and enhance enterprise brand effect。全面激活Social innovation potential,Adhere to the government, enterprise main body, market operation, and coordinated development, encourage all beneficial micro-innovation and micro-entrepreneurship, maximize the vitality of every innovation cell, and make innovation become a common trend in our city。

Cultivate innovative talents。Implement the "talent gathering New fields" talent attracting plan,Focusing on urban and rural construction, medical and health care, education and teaching, scientific and technological innovation, and industrial development,Revise and improveThe policy of attracting talents,Increase financial input,Establish a talent work platform, talent expert apartments and talent service centers to attract a large number of high-quality talents to gather in Houma and display their talentsStrengthen the cultivation of talents。Fully rely on the city's vocational platform, do large-scale, do excellent disciplines, and promote the "integration of production and education" for enterprisesInnovation and development provide technical and human resources guarantee。Promote the joint construction of military and civilian talents,Carry out military operations协作Order training, high quality and high speed development for our cityCultivate a batchFirst-class management talent and industrial workers。Innovative talent introduction methods,Actively learn from and promote the innovation experience of Jianbang Group, encourage advantageous backbone enterprises to set up R&D platforms in developed areas, create a flexible and flexible talent environment, and build a multi-level talent security system。

Fellow Deputies,Current current times"Only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, only innovators win"。We will clearly support the innovation and development of enterprises, create an innovative atmosphere in an all-round way, cultivate an innovation ecology in the whole process, and make innovation truly become the core driving force for the city's high-quality and high-speed development!

(2) Implement the "industrial upgrading" action to achieve new improvements in the quality of development。Industrial upgrading is the only way to promote high-quality development。We want toWe will work hard to refine agriculture, strengthen industry, and improve service industries.We will continue to optimize the economic structure, promote industrial agglomeration, and accelerate constructionEnd with "big five"经济"As the leadingThe modern industrial system。

Do special do fine farming。Stabilize grain production。Adhere to the cultivation of grain in the land and technology, strictly implement the system of farmland protection, solid progress in the delineation of functional areas for grain production, curb "non-agricultural" and prevent "non-grain", and ensure that the grain planting area is stable at 22 percent.About 70,000 mu, grain output stable at 8.More than 70,000 tons。Enhanced improved seed培育Promote, pushThe combination of Junshi seed industry and Shennong Group promotes the integrated development of modern seed industry "breeding and propagating"。We will speed up the process of land transfer and trusteeship, and promote the high-quality, modernized and intensive development of agriculture。We will intensify efforts to build high-standard farmland, and continue to improve farmland standardization and agricultural mechanization.We will strive to start construction of 6,100 acres of high-standard farmland within the year。We will monitor grain reserves and ensure effective supply of grain and important agricultural and sideline products。Continue to build "special" and "excellent"Agricultural brand。The implementation of authentic Chinese herbal medicine, Hedong flower mushroom, Xin Honghao eggs and other brand promotion actions, support Beiwu cherry, Wuzhou edge grape, red Yan pepper and other brands to do fine, and constantly expand the regional influence of the brand。We will promote the development of intensive processing industrial clusters for agricultural products, focusing on accelerating the development of five major industries, including traditional Chinese medicine, fruit, dishes, livestock products, and staple food cakes。Accelerate the construction of projects such as the Comprehensive Industrial Park of traditional Chinese Medicinal Materials, Fengrunda Efficient agriculture + comprehensive energy, Maozhou new breed of cattle, Haizhou microbial feed production line, etc., and build a number of new bases and new engines for modern agriculture as soon as possible。

Make industries bigger and stronger。Around the overall layout of "one district and three parks",High-quality "seven industrial clusters",We will promote the rapid development of emerging industries, promote the replacement of old and new growth drivers, and constantly stimulate the growth drivers of industrial transformation。We will promote the upgrading of traditional industries。digitizationThe direction of recycling and green development is to highlight the construction of chain extension chain reinforcement chain strong chain, and strive to promote the extension of the industrial chain of traditional industries, improve the added value of products, focus on Houma thermal power and creation, Huienergy to carry out comprehensive utilization of solid waste, Wei Chuang power and Tang Rong东鑫And carry out scrap recycling and utilization。Total investment 34.The 900 million yuan Beitong copper concentrate comprehensive recovery project accelerated the construction progress, and the main electrolytic workshop project was completed by the end of the year;With a total investment of 600 million yuan, the project of Jianshengyuan's deep processing base with an annual output of 300,000 tons of fine steel will increase efforts to promote the construction and start construction as soon as possible, and promote the transformation of traditional industries to take greater steps。We will promote the cluster development of equipment manufacturing industries。Give full play to the policy advantages of provincial equipment manufacturing agglomeration areas, strengthen the supporting functions of the park, highlight key technology research, vigorously develop complete sets of equipment cooperation supporting industries, and improve the integration capacity of parts and equipment。Focus on the construction of Tangrong's new bimetal composite integrated brake drum production line, Dongxin crankshaft castings and crankshaft assembly processing, HNA Jing Mine special axle and auto parts production and other projects, and form an industrial agglomeration effect as soon as possible。We will promote the rapid development of "six new" industries。Aiming at new infrastructure, new technologies, new materials, new equipment, new products, and new business forms, we will cultivate and introduce a number of high-tech projects in the information and innovation industry, artificial intelligence, life science, advanced energy and other fields, and continue to expand strategic emerging industries块。The Yuangong Energy and Power Science Park project with a total investment of 500 million yuan was signed and landed.Shanxi Henglian cellulose bio-based new material with a total investment of 1.3 billion yuan,Total investment 9.5100 million yuan Jianbang high purity pig iron + cast iron profile new materials and other projects have been completed部分The main project,With a total investment of 1 billion yuan, Guanghe new aluminum profile project completed the construction of 6,000 square meters of plantThe total investment of 300 million yuan Zhengda pipe square pipe production line project was put into operation in the second half of the year。

Do new do excellent modern service industry。Seize the policy opportunity of provincial modern service industry (modern logistics) gathering area, give full play to the advantages of important nodes, open platforms and transportation hubs of regional logistics in our city, and promote all kinds of production and life service industries to specialization, high-end and modernization。We will further accelerate the application for the construction of comprehensive protected areas。积极Docking national ministries and departments and provincial departments, and strive for early approval。完成Shanxi Fang Lu bonded logistics center relocation acceptance, processing trade park planningPromote the construction of infrastructure, standardized factories, and living supporting areas, and simultaneously carry out investment investment of processing trade enterprises。Further optimize the modern logistics pattern。Continue to promote the integration of the existing business logistics park planning, accelerate the formation of "three parks and one center" spatial layout, and strive to build a reasonable layout, complete functions, orderly operation, efficient and convenient, international standards of modern logistics system。Continue to promote the development of e-commerce, accelerate the construction of smart logistics, do a good job in cross-border e-commerce, and focus on promoting电商、Express outlets cover all urban and rural areas, driving up the characteristic agricultural products。Continue to innovate the sales model, give full play to the demonstration role of the emerging textile city "provincial live e-commerce base", normalize the "city business alliance president with goods" activities, and promote online and offline integration and complementary development。We will further enhance the vitality of the commercial market。围绕Build Jinshan-Henan Yellow River Golden Triangle business town, Linfen provincial sub-center logistics town, Jinnan comprehensive service town, accelerate the original business cityField upgradingOptimize the pace of upgrading, enhance the economic vitality of the railway station and the business district of the light industry city, promote the construction of the business district of the East City New Area, and start the commercial planning of the high-speed rail area。We will focus on the opening and operation of completed projects such as Xintian Road underground commercial street and Jinyuan Cultural City,We will make good progress in the construction of Shanghai Bailian Huaxiang International Fashion Center and other projects under construction,Do a good job in the early planning of cold chain logistics, central kitchen, Dongcheng New District wet market and other projects,We should do a good job in attracting projects such as the old bus station commercial complex and the Chinese herbal medicine testing centerWe will further develop a new model of platform economy。Relying on Shanxi Yellow River Golden Triangle Industrial Products Trading Center, Juxin Zhiyun smart logistics platform, Zhentong cross-border e-commerce platform, etc., to promote the online trading of bulk industrial products and consumer goods, drive the development of trade, warehousing, transportation logistics and other industries, and strive to build a platform economic gathering area of 10 billion。We will further develop the exhibition, health care and other modern service industries。Strengthen the planning and operation of exhibition activities, and cultivate professional exhibition brands with Houma characteristics。Vigorously develop the health industry, with Wanglong, Kangwei, Kangbijian and other enterprises as the basis, give full play to the brand advantages of Monkey head stomach-strengthening, male health tablets, medicinal tea and other brands, and actively build a health industry base integrating medical care, fitness, sports and leisure。

Do red do fire travel industry。Give priority to planning。Follow the principles of protective development and exploitative protection, and accelerate the revision of the Master Plan for the Protection of Jin State Sites。Outstanding project bearing。Accelerate the construction of Huihe Ecological New District, Zijinshan Jianbang Health Resort and other projects, and accelerate the construction of Jinguo Heritage Park,Pass folk culture tourism area,Planning and packaging of Taitai Temple tourism development and other projects to create a number of cultural tourism projects with obvious Jin culture signs and Houma regional cultural symbols。Call the literary travel brand。Vigorously inherit the red culture,Continue to increase the publicity of red culture in Peng Zhen's former residence,Continue to carry out online and offline publicity activities with the theme of "Inheriting Jindu culture and spreading revolutionary spirit";Excavate Jin culture resources deeply,Actively planning Hou Ma League book tour exhibition,Planning the Shikuang Music Festival and the National Opera ticket fan Competition,Support the holding of the fourth Zhang family ancestor tracing activities;We will continue to invigorate mass culture,We will continue to carry out cultural brand activities such as "two sections", "summer holiday" and "sending drama to the countryside",Promote the construction of characteristic cultural villages such as Jinshaxiao Cultural Village, Dongzhuang Vinegar Cultural Village and Nanshangguan Rural Memory,Foster and create more highlights of global tourism。

Fellow Deputies,The prosperity of the industry is fundamental and affects the overall situation. We will focus on the "seven industrial clusters" and the "five major economies", and strive to make Houma's industry higher level, better structure, stronger strength, more quality and more sustainable development!

(3) Implement the "main body cultivation" action to achieve a new increase in the activity of market players。

Strengthen competitive enterprises。建立完善Government and enterprise沟通Normalization mechanismTo achieve close information docking, timely solution of problems,服务Pragmatic and efficient。We will fully implement the state's preferential tax and fee policiesHelp enterprises reduce the burden, light development。Continue to encourage and guide enterprises to participate in the formulation of national standards, industry standards, and local standards, and enhance the voice of enterprises in the industrySeize opportunities for development。Further accelerate the pace of military-civilian integration, with Pingyang Heavy Industry, Fenglei Drilling tools, CITIC Electromechanical and other enterprises as the lead, give full play to the technological advantages of military enterprises, promote enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and focus on the construction of CITIC Electromechanical scientific research and test production base, Pingyang Heavy Industry research and development platform, Fenglei coal bed gas drilling tools development and other projects。To be honest to enterprises, to love企,鼓励Advantageous enterprises will bring more projects to Houma and take root in Houma。

Strengthen private enterprises。Private enterprises are the main force of the city's economic development,It is a new force for increasing financial revenue,It is the main channel to provide employment,We need to strengthen the clear direction of respecting, caring for and serving entrepreneurs,We will strengthen support for the cultivation of the new generation and the "second generation" of entrepreneurs,Help local enterprises pass on the torch, development and growth;Carry out regular entry services,Inventory to solve enterprise financing, land, energy and other issues,We will resolutely put an end to indiscriminate inspections, assessments and fines,Create a clean and positive business environment;Clear policy list,Compaction job responsibilities,We will fully implement all policies and measures to support the development of the private sector,Encourage private entrepreneurs to establish a permanent business, strong confidence and innovation。

Foster small and medium-sized enterprises。The establishment and improvement of the "small rise gauge" focus on cultivating enterprise database to encourage small and medium-sized enterprisesMicro enterprises through mergers and acquisitions, "individual enterprise" and other ways to achieve regulation into the system,There were 8 new "small rising gauge" enterprises in the year;Increase the cultivation of "little giant", "singles champion" and "unicorn" enterprises,Promote the small and medium-sized enterprises to do specialized, do special, do new, rapid growth;Seize the favorable opportunity for our city to become the pilot project of provincial capital market county area,We will actively promote the transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises into stock companies and the listing of their capital,支持The enterprise is listed in Shanxi Equity Trading Center, striving to complete the shareholding reform of 2 small and medium-sized enterprises, and improve the financing level of enterprises in our city in the "New Third Board", "small and medium-sized board" and "GEM" stock reform。

Encourage mass entrepreneurship。We will fully implement the policy of "access if not prohibited" for market entities, vigorously develop makerspaces, optimize the development environment for makerspaces, and promote new incubators such as makerspaces, startup coffee, and Innovation Works to incubate enterprises项目The early start-up capital and research and development costs should be strongly supported;We will give full play to policy integration and synergies to combine innovation and entrepreneurship, online and offline, and incubation and investment, so as to provide a good working space, network space, social space and resource sharing space for the majority of innovative entrepreneurs。

Fellow Deputies,Large enterprises, small enterprises, self-employed households are part of the main market, in the city's economic and social development has an irreplaceable role。We must vigorously create a social atmosphere that respects all types of market players, create a fair and just market environment, let all the innovative vitality leading the trend of The Times be fully released, and let all the driving forces that promote transformation and high-quality development be fully flowing.

4. Carry out the "Reform" action to achieve new vitality for development。

We will continue to promote development zones。Make detailed and in-depth "multiple regulations into one", formulate and improve the detailed regulations of development zones, planning environmental assessment and industrial planning。Speed up the reform of the "three systems"To complete the second round of full employment systemWe will make good use of export-oriented platforms such as bonded logistics and customs, continue to promote in-depth cooperation between enterprises and foreign investment, and expand the scale of the export-oriented economy。We will further deepen the reform of the "standard land + commitment system",We will strengthen land collection and storage,Classification and determination of "one district and three parks" control indicators;Actively revitalize zombie enterprises,Improve the utilization rate and output intensity of standard plant,Effectively improve the utilization of idle resources,Completed the task of building a new standard factory and the construction of 4 kilometers of branch roads,Comprehensively enhance the carrying capacity of the parkTo ensure that the development quality of the development zone has always ranked among the "first phalanx" in the province, and has constantly strived towards the goal of national development zone使Development zoneReally become my cityIndustrial agglomerationBig platform, project landingMain battlefieldInnovative developmentTest field

We will continue to advance reforms in key areas。We will focus on advancing the reform of public institutions and setting up townships to ensure that all tasks of institutional reform are completed。We will continue to carry out pilot reform tasks at the national and provincial levels, and formulate and implement action plans for 2021。Give full play to the policy advantages of direct provincial management of financeFormulate and promulgate向上Fight for financial incentives,Increase the upward competition for funds, mobilize all positive factors to run for funds,To provide adequate financial support for the development of people's livelihood。We should grasp the window period of the "three-year Action Plan" for state-owned enterprise state-owned asset reform, firmly promote the socialization of state-owned enterprise retirees, and do a good job in the follow-up transfer of the "three supply and one industry"。

We will continue to open up at a higher level。Strengthen regional exchanges。Deeply integrate into the national "Belt and Road" initiative, give play to the role of an important node city in the "Golden Triangle of the Jinshan-Shan-Henan Yellow River" and "Guanzhong Plain city cluster", strengthen regional cooperation, expand development space, and promote a higher level, deeper and wider areas of opening up。We will carefully organize the sixth national "10,000 Steps" walking incentive competitionStrive to win the support of the province and Linfen City, forming the effect of "one city held, one hundred counties responded, and the province's linkage"Expand foreign trade。We will accelerate the adjustment of the structure of foreign trade, do everything possible to expand exports, give priority to supporting the export of equipment manufacturing, modern medicine and distinctive agricultural products, and promote the sound development of the foreign trade economy。We will give full play to the advantages of Shanxi's strategic inland port, and promote the regular operation of China-Europe freight trains and green Transit railway container circular trains。Deepen cooperation with other countries。Relying on the backbone leading enterprises, integrate logistics resources, establish regional foreign trade economic headquarters, and realize the development of foreign trade industry group。Continue to increase support for foreign enterprises such as Want Want Food and Hilong Oil, and activelyEncourage Jianbang, Tang Rong, Dongxin and other enterprises to expand overseas investment, and promote the city's economy to better integrate into the domestic and international double cycle。

Fellow Deputies,Reform and opening up are accompanied by every step of Houma's development, which is the heaviest background color of Houma's hot land。In the lead to wade in the new road, transformation out of the youngAt the historical juncture, we must use greater courage and a higher starting point to promote reform and opening-up to expand, so that Houma Yong will stand at the head of The Times and play the strongest voice of transformation!

5. Implementing the "Project Quality Improvement" action to achieve new growth drivers。

Transition chickStarting is the key, the project is the core。This year, the city has determined the implementation of 66 key projects, including 8 pre-planning projects and 58 implementation and promotion projects, with a total investment of 36 billion yuan, including 50 projects with an investment of hundreds of millions of yuan。Among these projects, 36 are industrial projects, 19 are social and livelihood projects, and 11 are infrastructure projects。We will further enhance the position of the project work, effectively strengthen the promotion measures, and ensure that the project smoothly starts, achieves production and efficiency at an early date, and achieves continuous development。

Vigorously promote the "three batches" activities。To take advantage of the favorable situation of our city as the main venue of Linfen City in March this year to successfully undertake the "three batches" activities of the development zone in the province, comprehensively accelerate the preliminary procedures of 31 new projects, promote the project reserve, signing, landing, starting and putting into production, and form a "three batches" long-term mechanism。Pay close attention to 58 key construction projects, further establish and improve the project guarantee mechanism, formulate and introduce the Implementation Measures for Key Project Construction Assessment, implement the elimination of the last place, reward the good and punish the bad, and promote the city's project construction to speed up。

We will work hard to improve the business environment。With a focus on minimizing the time limit for approval in the field of project construction, we will promote the implementation of an online and offline parallel processing mechanism for investment approval。Insisting that enterprises and the masses should "do one thing well" as the standard,Strictly enforce"Five reduction" requirements, in-depth implementation of online, nearby, once and other "six" measures, effectively let enterprises and the masses "less errands"。We will optimize the allocation of factor resources such as land, energy consumption, production capacity, water resources, capital, and total pollutant discharge, and ensure that key and high-quality projects fully enjoy the priority of factor resources。Make great efforts to create an excellent external environment for project construction, seriously investigate and punish the behavior of "eating and taking cards", strictly and quickly crack down on illegal acts that interfere with and obstruct the construction of projects, and continue to create the optimal development environment。

Vigorously promote project attracting。The "Big Five""Six new industries""Seven industrial clusters" as the focus and breakthrough, take the initiative to connect with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other developed regions, accurately analyze the demand for industrial chain investment, carefully draw the city's "industrial chain investment roadmap", "resource distribution map", "investment map"。Focus on key points, directional force, targeted policies, and actively attract chain enterprises with high compatibility and good growth with the leading industries in our city。Adhere to multi-channel, diversified investmentHighlight business investment, strengthen policy implementation, and form the effect of winning business opportunities by word of mouth and winning cooperation by trust。Deepen the special class service mechanism for investment promotion, implement one-stop, full-cycle, mother-like service, so that foreign enterprises can really attract, retain, and develop well。

Fellow Deputies,Project construction involves the whole body, a son falls and full of work。We must firmly establish the concept of project as king, concentrate on God, focus on strength, comprehensively promote the project, in order to achieve high quality and high speed development of the foundation, thick momentum!

(6) Implement the "Co-construction and sharing" action to achieve new integration of urban and rural areas。

We will comprehensively promote rural revitalization。We will consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectively link them with rural revitalization。Adhere to the "four unchanged" and "four unchanged" principles, further improve the dynamic monitoring and support mechanisms to prevent the return to poverty, and firmly maintain the bottom line of poverty alleviation for people out of poverty and marginalized people;Actively explore a new path to effectively link poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and highlight the implementation in accordance with the general requirements of the "20 words""Agriculture + Tourism"+"Cultural leisure" and other models,We will strive to cultivate and build a number of demonstration villages and zones for rural revitalization。重点To develop sightseeing tourism around the lake, ecological leisure and health, planting and picking industry as the leading, to promote the construction of Xiangyi Lake demonstration zone;To build the Fenhe fitness trail, recreational facilities and tourist landscape as the direction, to promote the construction of Da Nanzhuang demonstration zone。Other villages should also adapt to local conditions, highlight their characteristics and create highlights。We will comprehensively deepen rural reform。We will carry forward the reform of "three plots of land", standardize procedures for expropriating rural land before submitting it for approval, set benchmark land prices for collective, for-profit construction land, strengthen management of rural housing land, and improve the efficiency of rural land use。We will accelerate reform of the rural collective property rights system, do everything possible to increase collective economic income, and continue to stimulate the vitality of rural development。We will further improve rural infrastructure。On the basis of realizing the "six full coverage", we will continue to increase investment and make up for weak areas.Innovate the rural road maintenance mechanism,We have launched new projects covering the comprehensive utilization of sewage, the sorting and treatment of garbage, the upgrading of road networks, the centralized management of electricity networks, the treatment of non-point source pollution, and the introduction of information into villages and households.扎实We will modernize agricultural infrastructure, facilitate rural living facilities, and provide equal access to basic public services.One step further改善提升Working and living conditions of rural farmers。We continued to promote rural governance。Give full play to the function and role of the civilization practice center in the new era, the three-level linkage between cities and villages, promote the improvement of village appearance, village history and culture, village rules and regulations, and village style and civilization, and promote the integration of rural autonomy, the rule of law, and the rule of virtue。

We will continue to increase urban capacity and improve urban quality。Give prominence to planning and guidanceFocus on the construction of southern Shanxi regional central city, strengthen the integration of industry and city, integrated development, and accelerate the preparation of the overall plan of territorial space(2020-2035),落实The "three control lines" of ecological protection red line, permanent basic farmland, and urban development boundary will promote the implementation of spatial governance and control strategies。We will promote "regulation, construction, and management" in one body, and resolutely investigate and punish all kinds of illegal activities such as construction before approval, construction after less approval, and unauthorized construction。We will speed up the construction of a modern transport network。Based on the "iron, public, machinery" linkage development, full pushMoving Han (city) - Hou (Ma) intercity railway construction, actively strive for Hou (Ma) - Jin (city) line project, "west joint east extension", to achieve a new intersection of modern traffic in our city。Speed up the progress of the Dashixi high-speed railway station house expansion project to ensure the main completion by the end of the year。Actively promote108 National highway transit rerouting project preliminary work, and strive to start construction within the year。We will continue to strengthen the expansion and transformation of urban road network and carry out the transformation project of North extension of Huibin Street and South of Zijinshan Street。We should promptly promote the selection of bus terminal sites, further expand the intercity bus communication between counties, and constantly build a three-dimensional, networked and modern external hub system。We will accelerate the upgrading of infrastructure。Adhere to a high starting point, high standards of construction, outstandingLandscape effect, deepening urban design,推进Implementation of the health trail circulation network and urban lighting projects。Accelerate the construction of 5G networks and urban gigabit networks, and reach 70 5G base stations by the end of the year。Complete the kitchen construction waste treatment facilities and sewage treatment plants二期Works and five main trunkUpgrading of the roadWork, speed upCultural and sports activities center project finishing, Jindu SquareBasically completedEffectively enhance the quality of the city。Focus on implementationThe creation of "One road with one feature" boutique streets,Start the Xintian Road Liangcheng quality improvement boutique demonstration street and comprehensive renovation project。Intensify the transformation of "three districts and one village", such as old residential areas, old factory areas, old blocks and urban villages,Focus on promoting the huibin community 8.50,000 square meters, 38 buildings of the old renovation project, the completion of Qin village, Guo village, Guo Cun Bao, Qiao villageThe renovation plan of the area。Carry out comprehensive environmental sanitation remediation in an all-round, high standard and normal manner, fully implement various fine management measures, ensure that the national health city review and acceptance are successfully passed, and lay a good foundation for creating a higher honor of a national civilized city。

Fellow Deputies,Building a better quality and more livable city is the common wish of the people of the whole city。We will further increase the overall efforts, accelerate the pace of joint construction, create more boutique highlights, make our home more beautiful and more beautiful!

(7) Implement "environmental improvement" actions to achieve new improvements in ecological quality。

Strengthen the "five governance tasks"。Keep an eye on key regions, fields, and industries, aim at governance weaknesses, weaknesses, and blocked points, highlight precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, pollution control according to law, and joint pollution control, and continue to promote "gas.Water, mountain, earth, citySynchronous governance治气。Continuous developmentEfforts were made to prevent and control air pollutionTo fully implement the five measures of "transformation, control enterprises, reduce coal, control vehicles, and reduce dust", strengthen regional joint prevention and control, increase supervision and inspection and accountability, and effectively improve the quality of the atmospheric environment。治水。Adhere to the "pollution control, humidification, desilting, green bank, water transfer" five policies at the same time, pressingCompacting the responsibility of the river chief system, speed up the promotionCompletion and acceptance of the river ecological restoration project, the Fenhe River section control project and the second reservoir reinforcement project,Ensure that the water quality of Fenhe River and Huihe River section is continuously and steadily up to standard。治山。Adhere to the green base, continue to encourage and support social forces to participate in the green development of Zijinshan, and complete the implementationThe construction of 1,000 acres of high-standard landscape type afforestation and roads, water storage and other facilities in the approved area of Jianbang and Tangrong will accelerate the construction of Nanshan green barrier and healthy and healthy land。治土。Strengthen the investigation of potential soil pollution and soil environmental monitoring, do a good job in the standardized management of hazardous waste and solid waste, and promote the total investment 9.The construction of the 700 million yuan Gemeng International Hazardous waste and garbage comprehensive treatment project will start as soon as possible to improve the capacity of waste reduction, resource utilization and harmless treatment。治城。We will comprehensively control "urban diseases", and strive to establish a new mechanism for treating urban diseases that combines dredging and obstructing, and promotes both management and construction.Vigorously promote garbage classification, continuousCorrect traffic congestion, occupy the road management, disorderly parking, urban "psoriasis" and other prominent problems。积极Integrate and use all kinds of smart systems, promote the integration of digital economy into urban development, and gradually realize the modern urban management of "one brain governing the whole city and empowering both ends"。

We will continue to build a green lifestyle。Prioritize the use of renewable energy sources。We will guide and encourage enterprises to implement energy-saving technology transformation, accelerate the application and promotion of advanced technologies and the elimination and renewal of backward equipment, and promote the 50 MW wind power project of Zijinshan and the 20,000 kW photovoltaic power generation project of FengrundaAim to achieve grid-connected power generation。Build a low-carbon city model。Implement the target requirements of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality,We will accomplish the task of reducing coal consumption and achieve negative growth in total coal consumption。We will continue to carry out assessments of energy conservation standards in factories, mines and government agencies, and select a number of "energy conservation" models。Advocate green travel。Optimize the public transit network layout,Promote public charging piles, etcNew energy infrastructure construction。Advocate shared bicycles,The bus,Such as slow travel, and strive to create a new fashion of "healthy travel" and "green travel" in the city。

Fellow Deputies,The construction of ecological civilization is a great cause for the benefit of future generations. We will deeply practice the "two mountains" theory, coordinate the system management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasslands, continue to make efforts for a long time, and strive to make Houma's sky bluer, water clearer and mountains greener!

(8) Implement the "Welfare Improvement" action to achieve a new increase in the people's livelihood index。

Strengthen regular epidemic prevention and control。坚持"Surface release, accurate point, built-in gate, closed-loop management", careful to do a good job of "external input, internal rebound" workIn accordance with the principles of "territorial management, regional separation, key promotion, easy before difficult, informed consent, free vaccination, safe and orderly", COVID-19 has been carried out in depthVaccination "hundred-day attack" to ensureVaccination of 40% of the resident population by the end of June,全力Construct immune safety barrier

Highlight full lifecycle services。Firmly foster a people-centered development philosophy,We will do a solid job in ensuring inclusive, basic, and bottom-line work on people's well-being。Do new elderly care services。We will deepen the combination of medical care and nursing care, improve the service system for elderly care in villages and communities, and build a brand to enhance the happiness project for elderly care。We will cultivate and expand the ranks of senior citizens,推动The Yizhifu medical Care Center project will be put into use as soon as possible to promote the coordinated development of the elderly care industry and the elderly care industryBe an excellent education brand。With the goal of building a strong city of high-quality education in southern Shanxi, we will comprehensively promote the inclusive preschool education, the equalization of compulsory education, the branding of high school education and the application of vocational education。We will focus on promoting the concentration of rural primary schools to the township (office) and junior high schools to the city. We will start construction of kindergartens in Shifu Road and Zhangcun and Dongcheng primary schools, and accelerate the preparation of the new No. 2 Middle School。Continue to deepen the creation of "three", constantly improve the quality of education and teaching, and continue to maintain the leading position in Linfen City's high school and college entrance examination results。Provide after-school delay service for compulsory education students in the city free of charge, so that the majority of parents have more happiness and practical sense of gain。Do practical employment assistance。Accelerate the construction of "everyone with a certificate and a skill society", carry out inclusive, menu-style, project-based skill personnel training, and the number of skilled workers with certificates达到More than 26% of employees and the number of highly skilled personnel with certificates达到More than 30% of skilled workers have certificates。We will actively build a platform for connecting services, improve public employment services, provide employment assistance to key groups such as college graduates, labor force members who have been lifted out of poverty, retired military personnel, laid-off workers, and migrant workers, and dynamically eliminate "zero employment" families。Over 5,900 new jobs were created this year, and the registered urban unemployment rate was kept at 4.5%以内。

We will improve universal safeguards for people's wellbeing。We will continue to improve the social security system。We will fully implement the supplementary old-age insurance system for urban and rural residents, continue to improve the quality of basic medical insurance coverage, and steadily expand coverage。Strengthen the use, supervision and management of medical insurance funds, and crack down on fraud and insurance fraud。Continue to carry out the work of upgrading urban and rural subsistence allowances, implement dynamic supervision and adjustment, and ensure that all should be guaranteed and all should be returned。We will improve the social assistance and welfare systems, focusing on special groups such as the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled and the orphaned, and promote the healthy development of charity programs。Comprehensively improve the level of health and physical education。We will coordinate and promote the integrated development of urban and rural medical institutions, accelerate the improvement of "famous old Chinese medicine" leaders and health personnel, and continue to promote the sinking of medical resources and the sharing of medical technology resources。We will continuously improve the utilization rate of public sports facilities,Actively build a 10-minute fitness circle,Promote the popularization of national fitness activities;We will consolidate the achievements of the pilot reform of healthy cities nationwide,Implement the "healthy bank" and "weight reduction plan" actions;Actively declare "World darts Cultural City",We will organize the 4th China Soft Darts Open。We vigorously implemented cultural programs to benefit the people。Around the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the 50th anniversary of the restoration of Houma, mass culture, festivals, themes and other activities will be vigorously carried out。We will further raise the level of the construction of mass art galleries and library branches, and promote museum exhibitions to go out and invite them in。Strengthen the construction of cultural teams, constantly improve the artistic performance level of professional talents and amateur teams, and enrich the cultural life of the city。

We will make innovations in comprehensive social governance。Establish an overall national security concept, take the creation of "three zeros" as the starting point, strictly observe the security red line, and build a higher level of peace Houma。Further promote the creation of "zero petitions",Actively learn from and implement the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, strengthen the "control of the new and governance of the old", and increase the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes。We will continue to implement the system of leading the handling of important complaint and reporting matters and key complaint and reporting cases, and ensure that the cases are handled, investigated, and implemented to ensure stabilityVigorously promote the creation of "zero accidents",We have always tightened the safety of production and resolutely shouldered the political responsibility of preventing and defusing major security risks。Accurately layer the responsibility chain, and promote the implementation of the "four levels" of security responsibility of party and government leaders, departments, enterprises, and individuals。Focus on key industriesKey areas,深化Safe productionSpecial rectificationTriennial operationPromote the implementation of the "four measures and one standard" for self-built housing in rural areas,We will continue to build a dual prevention mechanism for multi-level security risk management and control and hidden danger investigation and management。Establish "one map, one account and four lists", increase safety supervision and law enforcement efforts, implement "one vote veto" for major safety risks, and resolutely put an end to larger accidents and reduce the occurrence of general accidents。We will strengthen our defense lines for disaster prevention and mitigation, strengthen our ability to respond to disasters and accidents, improve our defense against natural disasters, and speed up the modernization of the emergency management system。Solid implementation of the "zero cases" requirement,Strengthen the struggle against the enemy and safeguard political securityWe made regular efforts to crack down on crimes in depthTo carry out an in-depth fight against terrorism, make every effort to fight the people's war on drug control, and crack down on itCrimes against cultural relics,Theft, robbery and fraud ", telecommunications and network fraud as the focus of all kinds of criminal behavior。We will strictly regulate law enforcement in a fair and civilized manner, strengthen legal aid work, and launch the Eighth Five-Year Plan to popularize the lawAccelerate the construction of "rule of law Houma"。We will actively build a new pattern of community-level social governance, and carry out the election of village (resident) committees in an orderly manner in accordance with the law。We will steadily carry out national defense mobilization and double support work, strengthen the service guarantee for veterans, and do a good job in auditing, statistics, meteorology, archives,Local Chronicles,We will support mass organizations such as trade unions, the Communist Youth League, women's federations, disabled persons' federations, cultural federations, the Red Cross and the Family Planning Association in playing a better role in ethnic and religious affairs, foreign affairs and overseas Chinese affairs。

Fellow Deputies,"The people have the valley, peace and longevity."。We will always remember the people's consciousness, to the true to the simple feelings for the people, always concerned about the safety of the masses, and strive to do more to benefit the people and benefit the people, so that the city's sense of gain and happiness have a new improvement every year!

四、We will comprehensively strengthen the government's self-improvement

What the people want, what the government wants。We must bear in mindThe word "people" in front of the government, adhere to the people as the center, adhere to为民服务Purpose: Continue to strengthen self-construction, and strive to build a politically firm, loyal to the people, responsible, honest and efficient government。

突出Political constructionThis commandGuided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Strengthen the "Four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two maintenance",Continue to improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution,始终在思想上政治上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致,Faithfully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party committee, government and municipal committee at the higher level,To ensure that the work of the government always moves in the correct political direction。

We must focus on capacity building。We will build a learning-oriented government, constantly strengthen the study of the Party's theories, lines, principles and policies, constantly improve the ability and level of using learning results to arm the mind, guide practice, and promote work, and continuously enhance governance skills。In particular, it is necessary to combine the study and education of Party history, learn Party history, understand ideology, do practical things, and open new bureaus, promote government construction with the results of Party history study and education, and test the quality of Party history study and education with the solid results of government construction。

把握Building the rule of law is the key。深入学习贯彻习近平法治思想,全面实施《2024欧洲杯投注》《2024欧洲杯投注》等法律法规,把政府活动全面纳入法治轨道。We will strictly implement the decisions of the People's Congress and its Standing Committee, consciously accept the legal oversight of the People's Congress and the democratic oversight of the CPPCC, conscientiously handle the suggestions of deputies to the People's Congress and the proposals of CPPCC members, take the initiative to accept oversight from the public and through public opinion, strengthen judicial, supervision, and auditing oversight, and ensure that administrative power is always exercised in a transparent, standardized and efficient manner。

Strengthen the work style construction of this guarantee。Vigorously carry forward the spirit of "three cows",Promote hard work and play the main theme,Stimulate innovation as a spirit,Effective implementation of good style of singing,We will strengthen the mechanism for promoting specialized classes,Play the role of 13710 information supervision platform,Make good use of positive incentives and fault tolerance and error correction mechanisms,In fact, we are working out ideas, taking plans, thinking of ways to implement them,Condense to form the Houma new spirit of "openness, innovation, confidence and hard work",Let our willingness, courage and kindness become the new normal。

Uphold the bottom line of building a clean government。We should firmly assume the responsibility of strictly governing the main body of the Party, earnestly implement the "one post and two responsibilities" of building Party conduct and clean government, pay close attention to key areas and key posts, manage key matters and key people, and promote corruption in one place。Strictly implement the central eight provisions and provincial and municipal implementation rules, always practice thrift, continue to optimize the business environment, so that "clean, successful career" has become the conscious pursuit of the city's majority of cadres, and strive to build a political ecological green mountains。

Fellow Deputies,Journey wind is strong, heavy responsibility Qianjun set sail again。让我们高举习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想伟大旗帜,在Under the strong leadership of the municipal committee,不忘初心、牢记使命,继往开来、接续前行,奋力谱写新时代侯马高质量高速度发展新篇章,以率先The new road, the transformation of the outstanding achievements of the prototype, to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China!


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