2024欧洲杯投注 > Government information disclosure > Policy document > Office file
Issuing Agency: Houma City People's Government Office Cable number: 11140981012790572U-2/2023-00033
标     题: Houma City People's Government Office 关于印发Houma City2023—2024年秋冬季Air pollutionComprehensive treatment plan》的通知 Written date: 2023-11-22
文     号: Office of the Marquis issued [2023] 33 Release Date: 2023-12-05
Subject categories: Urban and rural construction, environmental protection Subject word: Air pollution

Township people's governments, sub-district offices,Houma Economic Development Zone Management Committee,Each related单位

Houma City20232024Autumn and winter air pollution comprehensive control plan has been released人民The government agrees, now printed to you, please carefullyComply with and implement

People's Government of Houma Cityoffice

(This article is released to the public)             20231122       

Houma CityAir pollution in autumn and winter 2023-2024

Comprehensive treatment plan

Play well for all roundAir pollution in autumn and winter 2023-2024综合治理攻坚战,推动大气环境质量持续改善,切实保障群众身体健康,制定本方案。

I. General requirements

以习近平生态文明思想为指导,The goal is to set an example for the comprehensive environmental management in the Fenhe Valley,Normalizing governance and control and emergency control of heavy pollution weather will be the starting point,We will carry out a comprehensive campaign to control air pollution in autumn and winter,We will highlight precise, scientific and law-based pollution control,Strengthen pollution control,Implement differentiated management and control,Strict assessment and accountability,Ensure the implementation of all measures。

2. Work objectives


2.To complete the goal proposed by the Municipal Committee and government at the beginning of the year 2023, the comprehensive index will exit the bottom three of Linfen City。

Third, work measures

(1) Promoting structural pollution remediation

oneWe will deepen the optimization and adjustment of the industrial structure。Strictly implement industrial policies,“三线一单”、规划环评、能耗双控、产能置换、煤炭消费减量替代、区域污染物倍量削减等要求,坚决遏制“两高”项目盲目发展。We will accelerate the elimination of outdated production capacity in key industries。

Responsible unit: Development Zone, Municipal Bureau of Development and Reform, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal BankGovernment Approval Bureau, Municipal Private Economic Development Promotion Center, Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch。

2.Solid progress has been made in eliminating loose coal for clean heating。On the premise of ensuring a safe and warm winter for the masses, it was completed with high standards960 households clean heating renovation tasks。citywideIt is strictly prohibited to store, sell and use coal-type fuel (except coal enterprises for power generation, central heating and raw materials).。Continuous and in-depth promotionGrain drying,农业大棚种植、食用菌加工、中药材烘干、畜禽养殖等农业生产散煤清洁能源替代工作,建立农业散煤设施清单,完成农业用煤设施清洁能源替代工作任务。Further development of bulk coal, coal-fired facilities and firewood"Three zeros"Work, continue to conduct morning and night checks to ensure"No coal area" no coal, no wood, smokeless, strictly prevent the reignition of loose coal。

Responsible unit: Township (street), City Energy Bureau, Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch。

Matching unit:市发改局Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、市农业农村局、市交通运输局、市公安局、市公安局交警大队。

3.We will continue to optimize and adjust the cargo transport structure。We will accelerate the construction of special railway lines and focus on increasing the annual freight volumeConstruction of special railway lines and intermodal transport facilities for industrial enterprises with more than 1.5 million tons;火电、钢铁、建材等行业中长距离运输以铁路为主,短距离优先采用封闭式皮带廊道或新能源货车。除应急救援、救护等特殊用途车辆外,市区新增环卫用车、公务用车、物流配送用车新能源比例达到100%,新增或更新的公交、出租、物流配送、轻型环卫等公共领域车辆中新能源比例不低于80%,推动市区重点区域周边清扫保洁车辆全部使用新能源车辆。加快推动国三及以下排放标准汽车淘汰更新,并按照要求进行集中拆解,禁止已淘汰车辆在城市周边和农村等地区非法营运或进入工矿企业内部使用。

Responsible unit:Development zone、市发改局、市交通运输局、市工信局、市能源局、市住建局、市财政局、Municipal office Affairs Service Center

2. Comprehensively improving boilers and kilns

4.Strictly backward coal-fired boilers and furnaces to be phased out and updated。Strictly implement生态环境部、Provincial government及Linfen City Government工作要求,加强生态环境、市场监管、工信、农业农村等部门信息共享,开展全面排查,完善锅炉和炉窑清单,覆盖全燃料种类、各行业领域、不同炉型。开展35蒸吨/小时及以下的燃煤锅炉(含茶水炉、经营性炉灶、储粮烘干设备等燃煤设施)淘汰“回头看”,对发现的违法使用锅炉,严格采用拆除取缔、清洁能源替代、烟道或烟囱物理切断等方式,依法依规予以彻底淘汰。Strictly control new coal-fired boilers, except for central heating will not be approved in principle。Tamping gas occursThe results of furnace elimination work are strictly prohibited from illegal construction and use。We will resolutely ban and eliminate coal-fired hot blast stoves。For the use of coal, heavy oil and other high pollution料的加热炉、热处理炉、干燥炉等炉窑以及燃料类煤气发生炉,加快推动使用清洁低碳能源或利用工厂余热、集中供热等进行替代。By the end of December, the phase-out of coal-fired boilers and gas generators will be completed。

Responsible unit: Houma Branch of Linfen Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau。

Cooperating units: Development Zone, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau。

5.We will improve the comprehensive treatment of boilers and kilns。开展锅炉、炉窑简易低效治理设施排查整治工作,对脱硫脱硝除尘治理工艺适用性、关键组件表计和控制系统完备性、装备质量可靠性、治理设施运行维护和自行监测规范性等为重点内容进行全面排查整治。Formulate special remediation plans for emissions that do not meet standards能力的予以淘汰,对装备质量低劣、关键组件缺失、自动化控制水平低的进行升级,对运行维护不到位的实施全面整改。Carry out low-nitrogen combustion transformation work of gas-fired boilers“回头看”,已完成改造的,加强低氮燃烧系统运行维护;推动取消烟气再循环系统开关阀,确需保留的可通过设置电动阀、气动阀或铅封等方式加强监管,有分布式控制系统(DCS)的将开关阀开度信号接入DCS。生物质锅炉应采用专用炉具,配套袋式等高效除尘设施,氮氧化物排放浓度难以稳定达标的应配备脱硝设施,禁止掺烧煤炭、垃圾、工业固体废物等其他物料;加大生物质锅炉排放监管力度,The type of direct conversion of coal fired boilers isThe focus is to carry out spot checks and tests, and for pollutants that cannot be stably discharged to meet the standards, the implementation of remediation according to law and regulations。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperation units: Development Zone, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau,City private economic development promotion centerMunicipal Market Supervision Bureau。

6.We will strengthen control over unorganized emissions。We will organize a campaign to clean up unorganized emissions in cement, casting, tile, glass, non-ferrous metal smelting, stone processing and other industries,Implementation of powder, granular and other dust prone material storage and transportation process sealing and sealing transformation,Crushing, grinding, screening, mixing, grinding, cutting, feeding, discharging (slag) and other processes and non-closed furnace,Unable to operate in closed equipment or confined Spaces,A collecting hood should be provided,According to the exhaust gas emission characteristics, determine the installation position of the hood, the hood mouth area, and the suction wind speed,Make sure all receivables are collected,And supporting the construction of electrostatic, bag type and other efficient dust removal facilities。全面持续排查脱硫脱硝除尘设施及烟道、炉体密闭负压情况,杜绝烟气泄漏,对存在的违法行为严格依法处理处罚。By the end of December, we will complete the special rectification work on unorganized emissions。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperation units: Development Zone, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau,City private economic development promotion center。

3. Reducing pollution by industrial enterprises

7We will consolidate our achievements in upgrading to ultra-low emissions。夯实已完成超低排放改造的钢铁、水泥企业污染减排实效,严格执法监管,确保污染物长期稳定达标排放。加强评估监测工作质量管理,对评估监测弄虚作假的企业,一经发现,取消相关优惠政策,绩效等级降为D level, and according to the provisions of the relevant enterprises and units to deal with。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Bureau of Energy

8Solid progressVOCs comprehensive treatment project。Focusing on industrial painting, packaging printing and oil storage, transportation and marketing, promoting low (no)VOCs含量原辅材料源头替代、储罐综合治理、装卸废气收集治理、敞开液面逸散废气治理、加油站油气综合治理、汽修行业喷烤漆治理、有机废气收集处理设施升级改造、VOCs治理“绿岛”项目等重点工程。完成采用单一低温等离子、光氧化、光催化以及非水溶性挥发性有机物废气采用单一喷淋吸收等低效治理挥发性有机物工艺的企业升级改造工作。Strengthen enterprise operation management, standardize leak detection and repair (LDAR),Comprehensively improve the fine management level of static and dynamic sealing points;Strengthen organic waste gas bypass integratedThe emergency bypass that really needs to be retained should be strengthened supervision and monitoring, and the theft of emission dispersion under non-emergency conditions should be strictly prohibited。12月底前,完成企业VOCs治理设施建设改造、VOCs无组织排放治理、储罐及装载设施废气综合治理工作任务。

Responsible unit:Development zone、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市商务局、市交通运输局Municipal Market Supervision Bureau。

9Implement off-peak production in industrial enterprises。Cast iron, casting, building materials, etcEnterprises in 16 key industries implemented differentiated peak production control in accordance with environmental performance levels and law-abiding conditions。管控措施在秋冬季大气污染综合治理期间分两个阶段执行,第一阶段为2023年10月20日—12月31日,第二阶段为2024年1月1日—3月31日,两个阶段按比例分别实施管控。The control of off-peak production is required to be included in the content of pollutant discharge permits according to regulations, and the management is implemented according to law and regulations。对符合规定需纳入保障类的工业企业,经Linfen City Government同意,由省生态环境厅审核把关,统一报送生态环境部备案的,可豁免错峰生产。

1) Casting pig iron industry: Jianbang Casting (Grade A), Huaqiang Iron and Steel (grade A) production facilities are not wrong peak。

2)砖瓦行业:汇能建材(引领性)Production facilities shall not be off-peak;华通建材(C级)停产82天;鑫圣建材(非引领性)停产。

3) Ceramic industry: Dingtai Yinrui (leading) production facilities are not wrong peak。


5)粉磨站(矿渣粉)行业:汇丰建材粉磨站(引领性)Production facilities shall not be off-peak;汇丰生态建材(非引领性)停产。

6)铸造行业:2家A级(汤荣机械、东鑫衡隆)和2家B级(众合石油、宝德铸造)企业Production facilities shall not be off-peak;6家C级(晋烽铸造、新广机械、鑫盛扣件、金旺铸件、北方内燃机、平阳铸造)企业电炉熔炼工序停产50%;永利铸件(D级)电炉熔炼工序停产。

7)混凝土搅拌、石膏板行业:8家搅拌站(誉通、安达、澜都、永鑫、巨帆、林峰、泰宇、邦泰)、3家干粉砂浆(永晟泰、鼎程、淼鑫)、1家石膏板(创领建材)企业Production facilities shall not be off-peak;During the period of attack, if there are illegal acts involving gas environment, production will be suspended2个月。

Responsible unit: Houma Branch of Linfen Ecological Environment Bureau, Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology。

Cooperation units: Development Zone, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, Municipal Private Economic Development Promotion Center。

10.We will control both the concentration of emissions and the total amount of emissions。Strictly implement《2024欧洲杯投注》要求,全面实施重点企业污染物排放浓度和排污总量双控,将日均排放浓度和年排污总量列为排污许可证相应限值内容,对日均排放浓度和年排污总量超出双控要求的依法实施行政处罚,并采取措施予以改正。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau,City private economic development promotion center

11.Strict replacement audit of off-peak measures。对涉及居民供热保障等民生类企业,确需调整错峰生产管控措施的,由Municipal government制定污染物排放等量置换措施并提出申请,经Linfen City Government批准后,根据实际情况进行调整。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating unit: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information

4. Strengthen pollution control from non-point sources

twelveStrengthen the control of dust from the bare ground at construction sites。Strengthen the control of dust from construction sites such as construction, municipal and demolition, and strictly implement it"Six hundred percent", the exposed ground is covered by geotextiles, green nets, etc。Strengthen the sprinkling of water and dust suppression in earth and rock work, strictly implement the washing of operation vehicles and machinery, and prohibit the carrying of mud and dust on the road。占地面积5000平方米及以上的工地全部安装视频监控或扬尘监测设施,并与住建部门联网。对城市连片裸露地面、易产尘堆放场所以及废旧厂区等进行排查建档并采取围挡、苫盖、洒扫或绿化、硬化等抑尘措施。

Responsible unit:各乡(街道)、Development zone、市住建局、市交通运输局、市自然资源局、市能源局、市水务局、侯马公路段、市城管大队、市环卫中心。

Cooperating unit: Houma Sub-bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

13.Better road cleaning and cleaning。持续开展城市道路清洗冲洗工作,大风、降雨过后要立即实施清扫清洗,加密清扫频次,严格达到The standard of "net by gram"。

Responsible unit: Municipal Sanitation Center。

Cooperation units: townships (streets), development zones。

fourteenMonitoring dust in key areas。Trucks and construction machinery are used daily on main roads (except highways) into urban areasMore than 500 key enterprises and places mainly enter and exit roads to carry out road dust monitoring。Continue to carry out monitoring and assessment of dust fall, and the average monthly dust fall shall not be higher than 7 tons/square kilometer。

Responsible unit:各乡(街道)、Development zone、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市工信局、市能源局、市交通运输局、侯马公路段、市环卫中心。

15开展"Three clear zero" random inspection。11月起,组织对散煤、柴禾、燃煤设施"Three zeros"工作成果进行抽查检查,对发现的问题In strict accordance with the "Houma City Air pollution remediation quantitative accountability Measures" for accountability。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: township (street), municipal energy Bureau。

16.Strengthen the control of open-air burning ban。坚持"Dredging and combining, promoting prohibition with use", and promoting comprehensive utilization and burning of straw as a whole。完善综合利用政策措施,加强作业指导,因地制宜选择秸秆还田模式,提升科学规范化还田水平。Improve the straw collection, storage and transportation system, promote efficient straw removal from the field and industrial utilization, and cultivate and expand the main body of straw processing and utilization。深入推进秸秆禁烧管控,完善网格化监管体系,充分发挥乡(街道)、村、组等基层组织作用,加强田间地头禁烧巡查管理。充分运用视频监控、无人机航拍、网格巡查等方式,深入开展秸秆、垃圾及其他生物质等露天焚烧管控,坚决遏制露天焚烧多发、蔓延势头,对检查发现的问题要依法依The regulations shall be dealt with, and the responsible personnel who are not properly supervised shall be held accountable in strict accordance with the regulations。

Responsible unit: township (street), municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs。

Cooperation unit: Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch, municipal Public Security Bureau。

17Control fireworks and firecrackers according to law。Strictly implement山西Provincial governmentLinfen City Government关于禁止生产、经营、储存、运输和燃放烟花爆竹有关规定,进一步加强烟花爆竹清缴处置工作,杜绝违规燃放污染环境问题。

Responsible unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau。

Matching unit:各乡(街道)、市应急管理局Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、市交通运输局、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch。

18.We will strengthen the control of cooking fumes。Strengthen the daily management of catering units, supervise the normal use and regular cleaning of fume purification facilities, and make ledger records。We will resolutely ban open-air barbecues。

Responsible unit: Urban management brigade。

Cooperating units: township (street), development zone, city market supervision Bureau, Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch。

19.Reduce ammonia emissions from aquaculture。按要求开展大气氨排放控制试点,全面排查试点范围内养殖场现状以及氨排放控制等设施建设运行情况,建立养殖场基本情况台账,制定试点实施方案。以减排潜力大以及恶臭投诉集中的大型规模化养殖场为重点,加强养殖场粪污处理设施建设,推动氨等恶臭气体治理设施建设,做好氨排放监测监管,探索建立畜禽养殖氨排放控制技术体系。

Responsible unit临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch

Matching unit: Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau

5. Strengthen pollution control from mobile sources

20.We will implement detour control for heavy and medium-sized vehicles。持续开展大气污染防治绿色运输示范区管控,实施重、中型柴油货车、燃气货车和散装物料运输车辆优化通行管理,采用驻点检查和电子抓拍等方式,对违规车辆进行处置,全面降低重、中型车辆对城区空气质量影响。

Responsible unit: Municipal Transportation Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau traffic police brigade。

Cooperation unit: Linfen City ecological environment Houma Branch。

Twenty-one.Strict control of heavy and medium-sized vehicles entering the city。Strengthen the control of heavy and medium-sized vehicles entering urban built-up areas, and those that do not meet the regulations will not be allowed to pass。Fuel oil and gas refuse trucks are prohibited from entering urban areas for illegal hauling。During the heavy pollution weather warning period, non-electric energy, hydrogen energy concrete mixing trucks shall not enter the urban operation。

Responsible unit:市交通运输局、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市公安局交警大队、市城管大队。

Twenty-two.We will strengthen control of low-emission areas for non-road machinery。严格非道路移动机械低排放区域管控,低排放区域内禁止使用国三以下排放标准的非道路移动机械。Encourage the use of national four emission standards or electrical engineering machinery。

Responsible units: Development Zone, Houma Branch of Linfen Ecological Environment Bureau, Housing and Construction Bureau, Water Bureau, Transportation Bureau。

6. Carrying out emergency control of heavy pollution weather

Twenty-three.We revised the emergency plan for heavy pollution weather。根据临汾市重污染天气应急预案,按要求修订发布Houma City重污染天气应急预案,优化重污染天气预警启动标准,规范重污染天气应对工作流程,完善预警管理体系。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating unit: Municipal Emergency Management Bureau。

24.We will strengthen response to heavy pollution weather processes。落实部门定期会商、专家综合研判、及时响应预警、督促指导响应、适时协商减排、预警效果评估等重污染天气过程应对工作要求,最大限度降低重污染天气影响程度。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: other member units of the Municipal Air pollution Prevention and Control Action headquarters。

7. Conducting special inspections of law enforcement

Twenty-five.We will carry out special inspections on the management and control of industrial enterprises。按照重点区域重点查、关键企业查关键点、问题企业盯住查、绩效等级高的企业无事不扰的原则,对工业企业落实管控措施情况开展专项检查,依法打击各类涉气环境违法行为。Administrative punishment for environmental problems during the period of hard workGrade A, B and leading enterprises shall reduce the performance rating according to regulations and implement stricter control。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Energy Bureau, Municipal Private Economic Development Promotion Center。

Twenty-six.Carry out special inspection of monitoring data quality。By the end of March 2024,Joint supervision and inspection shall be carried out on the self-monitoring of pollutant discharge units and the law-enforcement monitoring undertaken by socialized testing institutions,Strengthen the inspection of monitoring point Settings, instrument and equipment functional parameters, original monitoring records, and self-monitoring information disclosure,Promote entrusted units to keep original monitoring records,Replace automatic monitoring instruments and equipment whose performance does not meet the requirements of standard specifications,Strengthen the platform management of manual monitoring reports and process data,We will crack down on the falsification of automatic monitoring data and the issuance of false detection and comparison reports,The list of institutions, units and persons involved in human intervention, tampering or falsification of monitoring data will be publicly disclosed。

Responsible unit: City Market Supervision Bureau, Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma Branch。

Cooperating unit: Municipal Public Security Bureau。

27.We will carry out special inspections to control pollution from non-point sources。秋冬季大气污染综合治理攻坚期间,持续开展施工工地、散煤、露天焚烧、烟花爆竹、餐饮等面源污染管控工作专项检查,及时发现解决存在的问题,保障面源污染各项管控措施落实到位。

Lead unit: Municipal Atmosphere Office。

Cooperation units: townships (streets), development zones、市住建局、市能源局、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市公安局、市城管大队。

28.We will carry out special inspections on the control of vehicles and non-road machinery。针对主要物流通道和涉大宗货物运输的工矿企业、物流园区、施工工地、铁路货场等重点场所,We will carry out special inspections of heavy cargo vehicles and non-road mobile machinery,Achieve full coverage of key sites,严肃查处国六燃气车违规拆除三元催化器、柴油货车颗粒物捕集器不正常运行、违规销售使用不符合要求的非道路移动机械、尾气排放不达标、车辆检验机构违规检测弄虚作假等问题。By the end of March 2024,组织开展排放检验机构专项检查,严查检验过程数据异常的检测线和机构,重点核查分析仪和工控机之间是否桥接硬件作弊设备或安装作弊软件。按照国家统一要求,统筹开展新生产货车和非道路移动机械环保达标监管,核查核实环保2024欧洲杯投注、污染控制装置、车载诊断系统(OBD)、在线监控和排放等情况,基本实现系族全覆盖。

Responsible unit:市交通运输局、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branchMunicipal Market Supervision Bureau、市公安局交警大队。

29.Carry out special inspections on oil compliance。完善在用油品溯源机制,开展专项检查,对发现的非标油品问题线索进行追溯,依法追究相关生产、销售、运输者主体责任。开展生产、销售环节油品质量日常监督抽查抽测,依法清理取缔黑加油站点、非法流动加油车、非法自备油罐。

Responsible unit: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau。

Matching unit:市商务局、市公安局、市交通运输局、市应急管理局、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市自然资源局。

8. Carry out actions to improve monitoring and control capabilities

Thirty.We will strengthen capacity building for atmospheric environment monitoring。Keep pushing ambient airPM2.5组分、VOCs监测站点及路边交通、工业园区、产业集群环境空气监测站点建设,12月底前建成新田乡空气质量监测站点并与国家、省、临汾市平台联网。By the end of March 20245 industrial parksThe construction of air quality monitoring stations will further improve the city's air quality monitoring network。Strengthen the air quality forecast system and improve the accuracy of the forecast。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating units: Municipal Bureau of Finance, Municipal Meteorological Bureau。

Thirty-one.Carry out special investigation of CO monitoring equipment in iron and steel enterprises。Jianbang Casting, Huaqiang iron and steel two enterprisesCO监测设备进行专项检查,全面解决设备缺失、不正常运行、数据飘移、联网不到位等问题,实时精准监控企业CO管控情况。The resident staff regularly check the CO data and strictly prevent the occurrence of illegal emission pollution。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Thirty-two.Improve the ability to deal with gas-related environmental problems。充分发挥大气污染防治专家团队技术支撑作用,开展空气质量分析研判、站点和企业涉气问题线上调度、企业专家线下排查走航、重点问题精准帮扶等服务,提升管控针对性和有效性。

Responsible unit: Houma Sub-Bureau of Ecological Environment, Linfen City。

Cooperating unit: Municipal Finance Bureau。

Fourth, safeguard measures

1. Strengthen organizational leadership。成立Houma CityComprehensive control of air pollution in autumn and winter 2023-2024攻坚领导小组,由Municipal government主要领导任组长、分管领导任副组长,市大气污染防治行动指挥部成员单位主要负责人为成员,统筹推进攻坚行动All relevant units should strictly implement the working mechanism,Form a work pattern at each level and at each level。

2. Strict implementation of measures。All relevant unitsTo take the initiative to perform their duties,According to this schemeTackle various difficulties要求Clarify the work tasks, refine the work measures, determine the time limit for completion, and urge the implementation。Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Municipal Private Economic Development Promotion Center, Linfen City Ecological Environment Bureau Houma BranchIt is necessary to communicate the requirements of peak control of industrial enterprises to the relevant enterprises, and guide enterprises to develop specific measures for peak stop and limit production。At the same time, it is necessary to implement special resident supervision of key enterprises to ensure that key measures are put in place。

(3) Strengthen the scheduling summary。市大气办要加大攻坚工作调度力度,及时掌握Each unit攻坚工作进展,对存在的问题要进行督促指导,确保工作任务稳步推进、存在问题妥善解决。At the same time, it is necessary to report the progress of the work to the Linfen Municipal Atmosphere Office on time。

(四)Carry out supervision and supervision。According to the Municipal Ecological Environmental Protection Commission "on printing的通知》(侯环委发﹝2022〕1号)精神,由市纪委、市委督查室、Municipal government督查室、临汾Municipal Bureau of Ecological EnvironmentHouma branch、市Financial media centerWait for an inspection team. YeahAutumn and winter protectionThe work has been carried out督查

Strict assessment and accountability。攻坚The implementation of work measures is includedEach unit年度绩效考核内容,列为领导班子和领导干部综合考评内容,考核考评结果作为领导干部综合考核、管理使用的重要参考。If the implementation of hard work is not sufficient, it must be followed侯马Quantitative accountability measures for municipal air pollution remediation进行Pursue responsibility and accountability。

强化Publicity and guidance。All relevant units shouldStrengthen the publicity and reporting of the work, timely inform the progress of the work, and take the initiative宣传Work highlights and advanced experienceGuide the whole society to supportParticipate in the work of tackling difficult problems and promote the effectiveness of tackling difficult problems。The financial media center should give full play to the role of public opinion supervision and publicly expose the ineffective promotion of work

Document interpretation:Houma City People's Government Office关于印发Houma CityAir pollution in autumn and winter 2023-2024Comprehensive treatment plan》的通知


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